
My name is Mike and I'm 17 starting high school as a junior. I'm a little shy when it comes to talking to new people, so give me a break at first. If you couldn't tell from my profile, I'm an avid lover of anime. I love almost all kinds of music except for rap and country. Some country is ok, but I dislike most of it. My favorite band of all time is Rise Against.

I mentioned earlier that I'm a lover of anime. I've seen several anime in the last couple months or so. I'm bored so I figured I'd just list them in order from most liked to just liked.
1. Witchblade
2. Angel Beats
3. Shuffle!
4. Kaze no Stigma
5. Claymore
6. Sekirei
7. High School of the Dead
8. Ga-Rei-Zero
9. Burst Angel
10. Fullmetal Alchemist
11. Bleach

I'm also watching some animes. Linebarrels of Steel is the one I'm primarily focused on. If anyone reads this, let me know about some good animes. I'm running out of ideas. sweatdrop