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Hacked by Xxcome_as_you_arexX~
I don't know what to say, so have a nice day :)


Viewing 10 of 11 comments.


Report | 08/08/2013 5:13 am


Hey! Do you mind telling me what item you're wearing? (the awesome swagged out couch/legs) ninja
If that's okay...

Report | 07/15/2013 9:10 pm


it's mine.

Report | 07/15/2013 9:04 pm


Freak ya

Report | 07/13/2013 3:39 pm


Look at dat avi

Report | 11/13/2012 8:04 pm


Hehehe, what are the chances!? It may not be as good as the real thing, but at least it's otter shaped! My partner and I had a long running joke that she was going to buy me an otter enclosure for Christmas... if I ever somehow magically become a millionaire, that's so where my money is going. xd

Aw, sad that the zoo is closed for the winter. But at least you'll get to see them lots when they're open! They aren't the kind of zoo that sometimes needs volunteers, are they? Maybe you could get really lucky and really close...

Report | 11/13/2012 7:49 pm


My partner bought me an otter plushie the last time we went to a zoo. Pogo the otter spends all her time sitting on a bookcase watching the world and bouncing around when I go talk to her. It doesn't stop my otter longing, but I'm not exactly living somewhere near a zoo. *sigh*

Tweeting is just completely awesome. I don't actually understand why their aren't more people swooning over the otter fence. It's even better if you manage to get there at feeding time... so cute!

Report | 11/13/2012 7:39 pm


If it's any help, my mother adores them too. I think that's where I got my otter addiction from. smile

They're just so completely happy. And uncaring - except, obviously, about important things like cups that won't stack. And the first time I heard one of them make a noise... seriously, animal mammal that tweets is the best thing ever.

Report | 11/13/2012 7:22 pm


As long as you bring the stackable kind, not the other ones. xd

Yeah, I usually spend a lot more time near the otters than with anything else. I have countless otter photos. They are just so. Incredibly. AWESOME!

Report | 11/13/2012 6:38 pm


Which is, of course, an extremely important thing to remember. I shall have to remember, the next time I go anywhere that has otters, to have only the stackable kind in my pockets.

... on a related topic, I so wish it was legal to own otters. I don't care that they're all bitey and non-domesticated. I could build an enormous yard with ponds and watch them run and tweet all day long...

Report | 11/13/2012 6:18 pm


Well, otters are awesome at the best of time. Your little gif is even better.


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