Mama Scout Caryn
(( Pronounced Karen. ))

But you can just call me Mama.

I have a lovely son, Johnny Halford, He takes after my batting arm! But if you hurt him, Then Mam won't be making you cookies! >'c

I also have a bad temper when it comes to my son, so you better watch your back!

Mama likes to help, though. I help any Scout, as long as you're nice to mama. C':

- En Rouge - Is my sweetheart and the sunshine of my day; He's my beloved RED Spy. Yes, he is a RED Spy, but Love has no gender, enemy or ally. I beleive in having freedom of love.

Who I choose to see may not be of suit to you, But I for a fact fancy him.

I do not participate in any fighting; I simply watch out for my son(s) and mend those who belong to BLU if possible. I do not support just one team; I support Both RED and BLU-- Though my heart belongs with the BLU.

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