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"I Move The Stars For No One."

heyy thur !

MSN: blueisagaycolour@hotmail.com

My name is Kaycee, but you can call me Pastel if you would like. I am a sophomore in college highschool and want to become a math English teacher whenever I grow up! I would also like to write fiction novels. I suppose writing is something I have always adored, and will continue to adore. My writing habit was spurred on from roleplaying. I began as a newb, but slowly became better. Thank you Gaia.

I am Agnostic, which means I am undecided about whether there is a God. I find it very improbable so please do not push your views on me. It is how I feel. I am also incredibly liberal. Do I support gay marriage? Yes. Should we be in Iraq? ******** no. Are we there anyways? Of course. In the great words of Christopher Tytus, "America! A Nation that need medication." Now, abortion is iffy. I consider it murder, but I will not attempt to prevent abortion. Stem cells are very valuable and go to a good cause. Now, am I against the cruelty of animals? Sure, not that I am going to protest or become a vegan. I like meat, it is yummy. Think that is wrong? Get over it and have some ribs, it'll change your sad little life.

Anyways, I live in Mount Vernon, Southern Illinois. I'm not that interesting. Basically I have little to no life. I am pretty antisocial outside of Gaia. Yes, I have friends, but no one I consider close. I keep most of my feelings bottled up. From what I've heard that is unhealthy. Not that it has stopped me. Erm, I get annoyed easily, so, watch it. I am also not to empathic on certain subjects. If you complain about how your life sucks constantly, I will tell you to shut it. No warning. If you need a shoulder to cry on, I have no problem being there, as long as you give me my space and your problems don't turn into my problems. If you plan on having a therapist and decide I am the best girl for the job, think again. Unless you pay me, then we'll compromise.. not really.

Hmm, what else..

Oh. I am becoming a huge fan of FMA. Possibly one of the best animes, right up there with Elfen Lied. Haven't seen either one? Your missing out. V for Vendetta and The Crow are both amazing movies. Rest in Peace Brandon Lee, you are missed! My favorite musicals include Fiddler on the Roof, Phantom of the Opera, and(I consider it a musical) The Labyrinth. Who doesn't love a man in tights? Especially David Bowie. God, the man is hot. I also love the Vampire Academy Series and books by Stephen King. Like everyone other girl at the age of fifteen I have read the Twilight series. Here is my view on it.. (be prepared, Twitards)

..it isn't that great. There, I said it! Seriously guys! Did you not know Twilight is actually(NOT LYING) written at a third grade level! Of course todays society loves it. A book with over four-hundred pages doesn't mean the book is going to be great and awesome. Damn Fanatics, get the ******** over Edward the Sparkeling Fairy. His hair is gay and he belongs in Cosmopolitan Magazine. And Jacob has a big nose in New Moon! So, hah! Shut the hell up, grab Stephen King's The Stand, and read something that builds brain cells, not burns!

Thanks for listening, now, go cry to your mother.
Note, it wasn't as much against the actual book as it was against Twitards. :]


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Why get high when there are other ways to achieve a smug sense of superiority? Sarcasm: My Anti-Drug

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I move the stars for no one.