Tinypic- Me
Tis Me..

He who learns but does not think, is lost! He who thinks but does not learn is in great danger.

He who speaks without modesty will find it difficult to make his words good.

Anyways, HIYA! I'm Alee and I live in Arizona. A terrible state filled with horrid people and terribly smog! Huzzah! No not huzzah. Anyways, as stated above I am 16 and I am in love with art. I live and breathe art, and I am a self-taught person. Well up until a year ago. Then i met my most respected teacher, Mrs. Asallas. She is without a doubt a very fun teacher to be with. Sure she's stern sometimes but I love her to pieces. That's why I can't wait for school! I have yet another art class.

Art classes I've taken/Will be taking;
(Completed)Art 1
Art 2
Art 3/4
(Completed)Advertising Art 1
Advertising Art 2

Once I get a scanner hooked up I'll show my portfolios and let you judge whether or not I stink.

Another thing is I'm very family orientated. I take deep offense when jackasses make fun of my family. If you're not one of close friends or a part of my family, I don't want you joking around about my family, understood? And if you read this and think, "Oh well lets mess with her and make fun of her family just cuz she told us not to." I will report you. Two times. I've no time for people that have issues with themselves. And if you do have issues with yourself instead of acting so sadly about it why not talk to me? I'm great with helping people considering I've been through alot.

I also sometimes go to rape victim meetings, for I was raped. It wasn't fun, and that ex is now in prison, so I like to let other teenage girls know they're not the only ones who've been hurt.

Well I could go on and on, but I'm going to stop for now. Thank you for visiting and please do leave a PM for me.