Seamus Finnigan Kidd

Seamus Finnigan Kidd's avatar

Registered: 04/02/2007

Gender: Male

Birthday: 03/31


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Personal History of Seamus Kidd:
Height: 6'0"
Race: Human (Corellian)
Born on Corellia, Seamus was brought up in the home of a high ranking CorSec Investigator. He himself served in the lower ranks of CorSec before being accepted to the Imperial Academy at Carida, the training center for the emperors stormtroopers. After graduating from the academy, Seamus' first duty station was aboard the Executor. A squad leader in Darth Vaders own legion, the 501st, or 'Vaders Fist'. Participating in the Battle of Hoth, Seamus was the second man to storm Echo base, behind Darth Vader himself. Upon his return to the Executor Seamus was given a citation and lablelled a 'Hero of the Empire'.
After the Battle of Hoth, Seamus participated in many skirmishes. Between Pirates and the Rebellion both.
Weeks before the Battle of Endor Seamus was transferred from his station at Kuat to the Forest moon, to bolster its security forces, per the order of the emperor. After the well known events of that battle, Seamus was taken to a prison on Malastare. Held there for a few years, being interrogated and tortured non-invasively. With the return and take over of Grand Admiral Thrawn Seamus and many other troops were freed from the Malastare prison by a rescue attempted by the Grand Admiral. Once freed and returned to the Star Destroyer-Grey Wolf, Seamus was informed of who had ordered the rescue and that he was to serve Thrawn. Having been ingrained with the emperors anti-alien doctrines Seamus resigns his commision and leaves the military service, with many of his men following him in leaving as well.
After some time of doing mercenary work, Seamus was approached by one of Dark Lord Raven's subordinates to serve in the Sith Army.
Now a Captain in Lord Raven's army, commanding his personal legion 'Ravens Fist'.

Battles: ((Non Guild RP Battles))

Battle of Hoth: Attached to the Executor as his first duty station once graduated from the Imperial Academy. Seamus led a squad of snowtroopers/stormtroopers. His squad was the squad escorting Darth Vader into Echo base. After the battle Seamus was labelled a 'Hero of the Empire'

Battle of Endor: After the battle of Hoth Seamus participated in some minor skirmishes between the Empire and the Rebellion. At the battle of Endor Seamus led a platoon of stormtroopers and was subsequently captured by the rebellion after the destruction of the Death Star. Taken to Malastare as a prisoner, he was freed 2 years later by the Imperial remnant when they heard that a hero of the empire was being held there.

Battle of Reeikan Prison, Malastare: The battle that took place between the Imperial Remnant and New Republic forces to free captured Imperial Stormtroopers.
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Battles: ((Guild RP Battles))
Battle of Dac: The battle between sith forces and a mixture of Mon Calamari guards and jedi soldiers. The battle being a diversion while an assasin went after a prominent Mon Calamari leader
Battle over Thyferra: Led a flight of TIE Interceptors against a group of pirate starfighters and a pirate cruiser who had landed troops who were attacking the sith supply base there.



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Do you know what the chain of command is? Its the chain I go and beat you with untill you know who is in command


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