
If given the chance
would I cry
for losing the ability to take the the sky
not I
for I
will take back my wings
and the night will sigh
as once again
I fly.

The COMPLETE About me survey!

Screen Name:SeijiAkatsuki
Birthday:July 9 1993
Race:white/hispanic mix
School/Grade:10th grade
Job: Servant to my Mother xD
Status: Immature
Hometown: Denver
Current Town:X
Parents Still Together?: Nope
Siblings: 1
Pets: Shi tsu named Hayshi
Smoker: I'm underage
Virgin: yes, this shouldn't be a question at my age.
Orientation: I dunno
Drugs: Never

Hair Color:Brown
Is It Dyed?:used to be
Eye Color:hazel
Glasses/Contacts/None?: I need them, but I don't have them
Freckles: Nope
Body Type: chubby leaning towards thin
Shoe Size: 9-10
Piercings: I used to have ear piercings, but I don't anymore.
Want More?: no
Tattoos?: no
Want More?: no
Braces?: I need them
Overall Best Feature:: Eyes or hands. I have pretty hands.
Overall Worst Feature:: I dunno. Everyone says my nose is too big, but I like it.
Do you get most of your traits from mom or dad?: Mom..i think. I don't remember my sperm-donor.

Favorite Color: Black/Orange
Worst Color: None
Favorite Number: 576
Favorite Animal: Crow
Least Favorite Animal: Sister
Favorite Flower: ....black ones
Favorite Food: calzones
Worst Food: cottage cheese
Favorite Junk Food: pizza
Worst Junk Food: chicken nuggets
Favorite Restaraunt: Front Room Pizza
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: Chocolate with chocolate chips
Favorite Candy: Hershey's dark chocolate with almonds
Favorite Alcoholic Drink: I dont drink
Favorite NON Alcoholic Drink: Chocolate milk
Worst Alcoholic Drink: I DON'T DRINK!!!
Worst NON Alcoholic Drink: grape juice
Favorite Genre of Music: Rock/Punk/Metal/etc
Worst Genre: rap/hiphop
Favorite Band/Artist: Linkin Park
Worst Band/Artist: I never listen long enough to find out
Favorite Song: Leave Out All The Rest
Worst Song: shudders, several
Favorite Radio Station: Alice 105.9
Favorite Book: YOU EXPECT ME TO CHOOSE!!!!!!???
Worst Book: Feed
Favorite Type of Movie: Vampire
Worst Type of Movie: Crap comedy like napolean dynamite
Favorite Movie:Memoirs of a Geisha
Worst Movie Ever: Napolean Dynamite
Favorite TV Show: Death note
Wost TV Show: Robot chicken
Favorite Season of the Year:X
Worst Season:X
Best Friend: Sheruby-chan
Worst Enemy: The entity that is Boredom
Favorite Day of the Week: Saturday
Least Favorite Day of the Week: Tuesday
Favorite Sport: Dodgeball
Sport You Hate: Almost every sport
One thing you cant get enough of: Anime
One thing you hate more than anything: my dog

Are You Single?:yes
If not, who is your bf/gf?:X
How Long Have You Been Together?:X
If You're Single, Do you Like It?:yes
Do You Have a Crush On Anyone Right Now?:no
First Kiss:X
Ever Kiss in the Rain?:no
In a Movie Theater?:nada
First Love:Anime
Have you ever Cheated on Anyone?:no
Been Cheated on?:X
Used Someone?:X
Been used?:X
Lied to your bf/gf?:never had one
Ever Made out With Just a Friend?:no
Ever Had Sex With Just a Friend?:Definitely not
Are You a Tease?:no
Do you Flirt a Lot?:not that Im aware of
Longest Relationship:0
Have you Ever Gotten a Poem?:no
Ever Get Flowers?:nevah
Sweetest Thing You've Ever Gotten:i dunno
Do you Like Valentine's Day or Sweetest Day?:no
Do you Believe in Love at First Sight?:pfft
Do you Believe in "The One"?:no
Do you Fall in Love Fast?:never fallen in love
Are you a Player?:X
Would you ever Hook Up With Someone of the Same sex?:If I liked them
Have You ever Kissed 2 People in One Day?:X
Kissed 2 People At One Time?:X
Had Sex with 2 People in One day?:NO!!!
Had sex with 2 People at One Time?:ew
Ever cried over someone of the opposite sex?:nu-uh
Ever Been Dumped?:nope
Ever dumped someone?:nope
Ever been rejected?:no
Do you have a lot of ex's?:no
Are you a slut?:no, not at all
Ever been called one?:By a girl who defines the word
Ever dated someone more than once?:Ive never dated
Do you ever make the first move?:no
Double dates or single?:I wouldn't know
Do you want to get married?:In the future

OPPOSITE SEX (what you're attracted to)
Hair Color:Dark
Short or long?:I dont care
Eye color?:shrugs
Style:I dun care
Age:14 or 15
Height: Any height that is at least 3 inches taller than me and no more than 6 inches taller than me.
Weight:proportionate to height
Muscular or skinny?:shrugs, just so long as its not at an extreme
Boxers or Breifs?:it's none of my buisness and i don't care to find out
Do you care about looks?:A little

Can you drive?:Not old enough
Do you have a car?:nope
Do you have a cell phone?:no
Are you online a lot?:At least 4 hours a day
Do you like gay/bi people?:My best friend is Bi
Can you speak another language?:Learning japanese
Do you do well in school?: A's, and one B
Do you collect anything?: not really
Have an obsession?: Anime!!!
Do you hate yourself?: Not at all, I love me.
Ever smile for no reason?: I sing too
Talk to yourself?: And to the voices in my head
Do you have any regrets?: Yea...not eating that last pudding...
Believe in magick?: Yes, Im magickal
Do you support gay marriage?: Yes
Sex before marriage?: I don't really care
Do you trust people easily?: no
Forgive easily?: no
Do you have a secret no one knows?: no
Do you get along with your parents?: Parent. Singular. And yes, I love my mom.
What about other people?: dpends on the person
How do you vent your anger?: sulking and killing my pillows.
Do you like George Bush?: do NOT get me started
Goal Before you die?: none currently
Biggest Fear: Dying via a lack of air (Drowning, suffocating, being buried alive)
Beggest Weakness: procrastination
Do you play an instrument?: Violin
What do you want to be when you grow up?: Still narrowing that down.


Are you...
A b***h?: Occasionally
A daydreamer?: At least 1 hour every day
Shy?: Yup
Talkative?: Occasionally, if I have something to say
Energetic?: Only when I'm sugar high
Happy?: For the most part, yes
Depressed?: Nope
Funny?: Well, I think so.
Slutty?: Absolutely not
Boring?: NEVAH!!!!!!!!!...da...
Mean?: Who isn't?
Nice?: When I feel like it
Caring?: Depends
Trustworthy?: Yes, so long as you aren't trusting me to remember stuff
Confident?: I would hope so
Friendly?: I can be
Smart?: Yup
Sarcastic?: Most definitely
Dependable?: Not so much
Quiet?: If you catch me sleeping...
Adaptable?: Yes
Strong (emotionally)?: Most likely
Strong (physically)?:does one pushup and goes into a coma ...NO!!!
Mature?: I'm enjoying my childhood
Logical?: IQ tests love me
Religious?: nope, try spiritual
Modest?: dunno the meaning of the word
Indesicive?: definitely
Sympathetic?: not really
Polite?: what's that?
Creative?: i suppose so
Fun to be around?: When Im in a good mood
Loveable?: squee^^
Easily Amused?: chases a butterfly
Outgoing?: depends on sugar level
Daring?: not at all
Clumsy?: tripping is funny
Nosy?: I like listening to my mom's phone conversations
Lazy?: My picture is next to the word in the dictionary
Scary?: muahahahahaha
Optimistic?: Dances and sings 'Happy happy Joy joy'
Persuasive?: Hell ya!
A good listener?: Sort of. I have good hearing, so background noises are very distracting.
Curious?: depends on the subject
Determined?: Nope
Artistic?: Sometimes, but I hit blocks
Honest?: Brutally so sometimes.
Respectful?: R-E-S-P-E-C-T! FIND OUT WHAT IT MEANS TO ME!!!! Which really isn't much.
Concieted?: jus a little bit
Controlling?: i can't be bothere to care about someone else enough to be controlling
Playful?: rawr! xD
Easygoing?: sometimes
Carefree?: yea, this one
Hot Headed?: go wit de flooooww
Serious?: when?
Thoughtful?: I am full of thoughts
Considerate?: ummm, not really
Stubborn?: to everyone but my mom
Romantic?: Only in my reading material
Ambitious?: Sometimes
Jealous?: of what? Im awesome!!
Insecure?: razz Im secure
Obsessive?: nope
Attentive?: *goes off to lala land*
Helpful?: nooooooo
Punctual?: Depends on how early I have to be somewhere
Rational?: Yea, i guess, not really though
Sincere?: more than tact allows
Tolerant?: Sometimes

Did you enjoy this survey?:it was allright
Was it too long?:a bit
Do you think it contained just about everything?:and more

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User Image
This is an avi I want to make really, really badly, so help me out folks.



Song of the Dawn's Innocence

The place where I let out all of the things that would erode my soul away so you don't have to deal with this attitude when I talk to you.



Viewing 7 of 7 comments.


Report | 07/03/2008 4:18 pm


I know, isn't it the best ever?! User Image

Report | 01/19/2008 8:15 pm


havent talked to you 4 a while wat going on?

Report | 01/01/2008 10:29 pm


we got baggy waggy pants and serious bling bling now watch the little man dance!!

User Image

Report | 12/31/2007 9:21 pm


heyzzzz wassup my buddeh and happy new years!! User Image

Report | 11/25/2007 7:57 pm


sup meh bestest buddy evah!

Report | 11/22/2007 6:39 pm


yeah i kinda did User Image

Report | 11/19/2007 8:54 pm


hey your good at rping User Image glad you joined


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