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Curious about me, eh? Well, I guess I can fulfill the want to get to know me without talking to me and making yourself feel dumb.

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--My name is Takaiya, but just call me Taki. I'm a female, aged nineteen. I never put my real birthday down on Gaia, but if you really want to kiss my a** and get me something for a "birthday present" let's put it on October 26th, 'kay?

--I'll admit, I can be a bit of an a*****e up front, don't take it offensively. It's just how I am. However, I'm a little sweetheart. I can be sweet then turn around and bite someone's head off in a heartbeat - mood swings are a b***h aren't they? All around, though, I can be nice, that is if you don't piss me off right off the bat.

--I'm interested in a myriad of things that range from reading to vigorous physical activity. Most of all, I'd have to say my main interest is writing. I love writing stories and little poems, even though most of my poems end up being suicidal and really depressing. I'm on a track to start writing my own songs though. Everyone knows depressing music will never go out of style. I love video games - particularly the "Legend of Zelda" series. A close second in the "Favourite Games" category would be Fable and Fable II. I'm also a fan of survival horror games like Silent Hill and Haunting Ground. But I also enjoy games that involve physical activity like Dance Dance Revolution (DDR). My favourite types of books are in the fantasy section, such as the Redwall series. I enjoy anime, but not this new s**t like Naruto or Bleach. I'm a fan of the good stuff like Escaflowne, Hellsing, Gravitation, Fruits Basket, Slayers, and Yami no Matsuei. My favourite movie of all time is DragonHeart. No others can take it's place.

--Music is a big love of mine. The music you'll find in my iTunes range from things like Ace of Base to Marilyn Manson. Techno to Death Metal. I'm not a big fan of country, but when I'm in the mood for it there are a few songs I listen to in the country genre.

--I'm spoken for as of 5/9/2010 at like three o'clock in the morning (or something like that. I can't remember exactly). I'm happy for a change, so please for the love of the gods do not try to sway me. Simply, I love this girl. Meine Liebe ist Emilee, and that isn't soon to change <3
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--Anything I've missed... Uhm. I'm a good RolePlayer. I love RPs, and play in them often - or just make my own if I can't find any that suit my interest. I'm a big sucker for cute animals such as ferrets or kittens, so if you need an ice breaker, there's hint.

--If I missed anything else that you want to know about me, please ask. I promise I'll try not to bite anyone's head off.--


Viewing 8 of 8 friends


Thoughts from yet another Tortured soul.

Would you love me if I was anything but what I am?

Anything that comes out of my mind. Simple as that. Don't wanna see it? Get the ******** off my page or just ignore it.


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Iori Asakura

Report | 04/24/2020 6:21 am

Iori Asakura

Hi there.

Report | 10/09/2012 11:00 am


Get online!!!

Report | 05/19/2012 11:15 am


Hey guess what.. .you're having a bad day and I want to tell you.... I LOVE YOU heart
Rathlarias Moondown

Report | 08/06/2010 6:35 pm

Rathlarias Moondown

That's good to hear. I'm glad he's doing well. He was probably the most helpful and the most open-minded about Master and I, too. And he's the only one I hadn't really heard about, so yeah. I assume Mamaw and them are all doing well too?

And that's good. I'm glad they're working on it. Not surprised Erica figured it out, though. I think Amy doesn't just because Nana tells her the potty is icky, so she doesn't want to stick her hand in it. Otherwise, she'd have figured it out by now, yeah? xD

How about my chunky boy? How much does he weigh now?
Rathlarias Moondown

Report | 08/05/2010 12:06 pm

Rathlarias Moondown

Of course mom thinks it's stupid. Mom thinks everything is stupid. She has a negative outlook on everything because she's a bitter b***h who can't accept the fact that life does not always go the way you want it to.
Which is a nice trait she's passed along. Do you know how ******** hard it is to fight that instinct and stay positive? I'm so glad I have Master around. He makes me see when I'm being irrational, and He makes everything all better.

Heh, I wish I'd get birthday money. But I guarantee you I'm not getting s**t for my birthday. At least not from my family. I don't know about His. Although if W/we both have jobs by then, maybe W/we'll go out to dinner or something. Who knows. As long as He's around, I'll be happy.

And yeah, that sucks, but you have to do what you have to do. Whatever makes it passable for the time being. You have your daughter to take care of, among other things. At least she's been nice enough to let you take it.

How has dad been? I haven't heard from/about him in awhile. Oh, and is Amy getting potty trained yet? I was just thinking about that.
Rathlarias Moondown

Report | 08/04/2010 5:14 pm

Rathlarias Moondown

Did you dig through the hall closet and check in with Lizzy and Erica's stuff in the changing table(s)? Those are the two most likely places besides the bathroom you'll find Q-tips. And possibly cotton balls too.

Yeah, ear piercings and guages aren't that bad. I would have mine up to 14s by now, but all I really have is 18s and 16s. And before I get any, W/we need to get Master new guages for just about everything. His are old.

That sucks major balls. No offense, because yeah it does suck, but I don't know why they just don't re-break it and set it in the first place. All you're doing all the time is making it worse, whether you can feel it or not. I understand it from the financial standpoint and all that s**t, but if they want what's best for you, isn't that the best option? I mean, I'm no doctor or nurse, but that's how it seems from my standpoint. However it goes, I hope it gets cleared up soon. How long are they giving the meds and/or steroids to work before they go to that?

Mm. I might actually stay on for a little bit. Master went for a job interview and I've been cleaning since He left, but methinks I need a break. So if you're on, I'll pester you. x3 If not, I may be back later tonight? I don't know though. It's our 11 month, so W/we may get wrapped up doing things. (Although that may not be until way later. He got accepted into a joint art shop. So if He works on things with that, I may work on my Photoshop skills. I'd like to open an art shop of my own sometime, or join a joint shop. For now, though, I just have a crappy thread for traditional art. sweatdrop )

Anywho. I'm rambling. Off to post. And if I get bored enough, watch Weiss Kreuz. x3
Rathlarias Moondown

Report | 08/04/2010 11:10 am

Rathlarias Moondown

That's cool. Which wrist? Same one as always?

And yeahno. Simba may be fantastic for gaming, but he ******** SUCKS at picking up a wireless signal. I sat there and doodled instead before having anniversary sex and going to bed. xD lol.
Rathlarias Moondown

Report | 08/03/2010 9:12 pm

Rathlarias Moondown

And I haven't been in German for nearly two years now, as you may remember. And don't think Master speaks German to me, because He doesn't.

Pretty decent, for the most part, aside from trouble job-hunting. How about you?

If I take forever to respond or appear offline it's because I lost connection. I'm migrating to another room.
Rathlarias Moondown

Report | 08/03/2010 9:03 pm

Rathlarias Moondown

Shouldn't it be guten Abend? XP

And thank you. I got bored with the older one.
Rathlarias Moondown

Report | 07/24/2010 1:26 pm

Rathlarias Moondown

lol. Whoops?


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Love is something you can't describe
like the look of a rose,
the smell of rain,
or the feeling of forever.

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