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Sephy no Seraph

Sephy no Seraph's avatar

Last Login: 04/17/2013 7:02 pm

Registered: 01/14/2009

Gender: Male

Location: California

Birthday: 01/05

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I am Sephiroth. I used to be a general of a group called SOLDIER. I am referred to as a nightmare. For those I've slain without hesitation nor mercy. I have caused a lot of pain and suffering. Leaving destruction in my wake. And only for the greater good. To create a new world with a sparkling future... All for Mother.

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Dress by Buck Tick

A very romantic song that I absolutely love. Lyrics are owned by there respected creators.


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Safireangel Report | 04/14/2012 4:24 pm
I'm desperately hoping you took pics of the Sakura festival.
I wanna see!!!
Safireangel Report | 03/21/2012 7:28 pm
I'm a little of both.
gaia_angelleft yum_puddi gaia_nitemareright
Safireangel Report | 03/21/2012 1:15 pm
So it's another date!
And I guess I failed at the stalking.
You were on and I wasn't.
Safireangel Report | 03/18/2012 7:16 am
Since my computer decided to be evil, we couldn't do what we set out to.
I'm assuming I can take a rain check on our Zomg date and cash it in when you have a free chance again?
Either that, or I'll stalk you.
Safireangel Report | 03/14/2012 5:00 pm
Not so much romantic as stubborn.
He was so angry and pouting for a few days after that happened.
So saturday at around (more or less) the same time today?
Safireangel Report | 03/14/2012 3:29 pm
And I am trying to appeal his case at the very least, or see if they're willing to give some of his items back.
It might be a lost cause, but I still want to try on his behalf.
As for the Zomg play date, I was thinking the weekend?
But since I don't know your work schedule or what your comfortable with, we can work the details out later.
Safireangel Report | 03/11/2012 10:43 am
Thank you for the birthday wish!
And don't worry about it, you're a busy guy and you already wished me a happy birthday.
I'm happy with that!
My wishlist is expensive and it's only there to remind me what items I like and plan t get eventually.
It's also outdated since I have a few of the items on it.
I'm good on gifts!
I'd rather take your last offer instead.
I'll hold you t some fun on Zomg.
I had a very good one, thank you!
Your warm wishes made it even better.
Safireangel Report | 03/11/2012 10:34 am
In my opinion, I don't think he did anything bad.
He got banned for 'scamming'.
But what happened was that he put an outfit up for sale.
He asked for a mil on it and it sold.
The average of it was about 42mil.
The girl that bought it PMed him about it and asking fr her gold back.
He politely said that he didn't d refunds and that she bought it of her own free will.
He then advised her t sell it forward if she didn't want it.
She refused to do that and got her friend to PM him about it.
He again politely refused and stated he didn't d refunds.
The guy then threatened him saying that he'd make sure n one bought from him again.
No one but gaia staff has control over the averages of items.
'Scamming' also states that it's a promise or agreement of some sort between people that exchanges item or services fr gold.
He never promised anyone anything, the person bought it of their own free will, and if he has to be banned for that then why are hundreds of others who are doing similar things and worse still allowed to have their accounts?
Besides, some of his items originally belonged to me.
Safireangel Report | 02/19/2012 8:02 am
I forgot that you weren't aware.
Rubydemon was banned.
He has a new account and still gets on everyday.
(Specifically, he kicks me off so he can get on. stare )
I do like gaia, and I find nothing better to do elsewhere online.
Reading mangas and watching anime gets dull after a while.
Though I still love it.
Safireangel Report | 02/18/2012 6:26 am
Don't worry about it, I understand.
My son had the best of Valentine's day.
He got a chocolate cookie, I baked a V-day cake and he got a kitkat from a woman who loved how cute he was.
I either spend my time in towns collecting flowers and papers, in fishing catching guppies and goldfish, or Zomg trying to get feathers from the flamingos.
No life on my end apparently.
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