About Me:

Hi, I'm Emily and welcome to my profile. I am so called "14 years old" but you never know, I may be younger, or an old man who calls bananas as an insturment. Naw! I am not old, I am still in a public junior high with about a million friends. I am actually pretty nice if a person gives me a gift, or just comes up and says "Hi!" I just love that. I'm really chatty, and like music more than anything, but I do like the guy accross the room in school more than anything. =) All day I could look at him and go "Isn't he just dreamy?" And I always end up liking the ugly ones. =/ I am really funny and end up in sticky situations at school, and you wouldn't believe the things I have done. I've "tried" to take a picture of a guy for my friend with my cell, and well.....had no other choice but to but it under my shirt, and and it broke in the locker room! But it didn't like, never work again, it works now! Ha ha! I've also done things like, "He is sooo hot!" when the guy is right there next to me! 0_o I am weird.

But in real life, I am kinda rich. I have a bigger house than most of my friends, a Wii, good unbroken cell phone, movie theatre in my house, go to ALL concerts I want to go to, and I have a laptop, and much more. But the only thing that drags me down is my small room, and my annoying siblings. If you want to learn more about me, read below!

I live in Seattle and it's where I plan to stay! Oh! You should have seen the video of the 2008 fireworks! They were so dumb! I wish I could show you the video below, oh well. So have a nice day and enjoy my profile! =)