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Serif-of-Lies's avatar

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Better get on top of buying this stuff for me if you want to survive the next purging.


I am the Serif of Lies.

I am a 6'1", 250 pound werewolf, native to the plain of Ravenloft; that's my story and I'm sticking to it. I am also a pretty kick-a** dark cleric, who has just obtained the prestigious post of Serif of Lies, in other words, the head priest. Guy. Thing. Anyway, I am not interested in making friends, especially not with a certain idiot named Staccato Tenudo, or some such ridiculous name. I am, however, interested in followers and henchmen. If you're interested in back-breaking grunt work, contact me. Great! Glad we had this chat. Get off my page.

Utterly pointless babble from the rabble.

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Fuzen-sama Report | 03/09/2009 7:42 am
HIIII! What's up?
Nenomi Report | 02/22/2009 7:26 pm
I just figured out the best way to rob a convenience store. that's all.
Staccato Tenuto Report | 02/18/2009 10:04 pm
Staccato Tenuto
I couldn't really read what you just said, but I'm fairly certain the gist was that you quote: "like the p***s."
Fuzen-sama Report | 02/18/2009 6:39 am

Yeah, glad you're feeling better. I guess you could check out the pics. Not all of them are up, mostly because I got embarassed.
elemental pyro Report | 02/17/2009 11:35 pm
elemental pyro
I love getting her in the armor outfit and using her as distraction against El Gigante. xD

Yeah, its really stupid how his arm can block a handcannon from point blank range, or stop a barrage of bullets from the typewriter, or block a rocket launcher. Bluh, slow interwebs does suck. D:

Does you have any games on Steam? If not you should get some and we can play.
elemental pyro Report | 02/17/2009 11:21 pm
elemental pyro
Psh, is so that good. It kills all but 2 enemies in one shot, Krauser and regeneraters. Though they probably made it weaker in the Wii version, i noticed it had much less knockback effect in the PS2 version. But yes the typewriter is awesome too.

Eh, not much. Just waiting for Half life 2: Episode 2 to finish downloading. Its taking forever. >_>;
elemental pyro Report | 02/17/2009 11:15 pm
elemental pyro
Sweetness. Have you gotten any closer to getting the handcannon as well? User Image
Fuzen-sama Report | 02/10/2009 9:21 am
Hey, your sis said you weren't feeling too good.

Are you feeling any better yet?
Nenomi Report | 02/04/2009 10:13 am
Batleth. That is all.
elemental pyro Report | 01/19/2009 11:12 pm
elemental pyro
Yo bestest buddy! How goes it?

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