SERIKA-SAMA's avatar

Last Login: 01/06/2008 10:09 pm

Registered: 05/19/2007

Gender: Female


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Umm..I guess I shall do this...just bear(rawr) with me.(*) My name is alex(*) I am mexican,I am bisexual(*) I don't like when people catagorize me(*) I'm the most talented out of my siblings..muwahahahah!(*)I have the artistic, creative flare, yippie for that...(*)Hello, Hi^^ I'll be your friend.(*)I'm a lover not a fighter, but that doesnt mean that I cant fight, man I'll ******** DESTROY YOU!!!!(*) Sometimes I feel like a guy in a girls body.(*)Lolita is kawaii...(*)My dream is to have my own Animation Studio!(*)I dont do drugs or alcohol, because i've seen way to many people close to me ruin themselves with that crap...but if you do them good for you, I dont care,(*) I love my puppy hoshi and my kitty sabbath(*) I like to read(*) I like to sing(*) I pride creativity(*) I wish i could be all my horoscope says i am(*) I love naruto uchiha brothers and the akatsuki team is love!!(*) I get shy alot(*) I don't understand alot of things(*) I'm just killing time here till i find Neverland(*) I dislike being told what to do, or people taking their bad mood out on me(*) I wish i had someone i could really talk to about anything I use metaphors alot(*) I dream alot I'm never alone Though sometimes i feel it(*) I enjoy meeting new people smile (*) I wish I could find a boy who actually wants to hold hands and walk places and talk(*) Life isn't always as bad as it seems. Chin up =] Shes.hanging.all.her.hopes.on.the.[stars] If love be rough with you, be rough with love. p***k love for pricking and beat love down I cant think of anything else to say..buh byez!


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xXmr-anarchyXx Report | 01/06/2008 11:41 pm

