
SexiEmoGirl333's avatar

Last Login: 02/05/2009 3:47 pm

Gender: Female

Location: Somewhere about to jump off the edge of a cliff.

Birthday: 11/22/1994

Occupation: Student

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So...I'm...a person, but you can call me SexiEmoGirl or Emo Girl. Which ever one works for me. Well of course I'm emo. I love freaks. I love emo boys. I hate preps, so if you're a prep you have no hope in being my friend. Sorry but that's how it works. I'm bi. I think that's all. Well See ya.

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Ok so here's one more thing that you need to know about me. This is like all of a sudden breaking news but it's so freaking' old and will not come as a surprise to you. *I guaren damn tee it*
So I'm a little weird. Well actually I'm alot weird but me and my friends love it and they love me so shove it if you disagree. So one day in school like on the 2nd to last day I was so bored. We had no work to do so whats a bored girl to do right? I decided to have an arguement with myself and I have it on paper so I'm gonna put it on here!!! If youre my friend on here then this will make you love me more...and maybe scare you a little but thats beside the point. I'll just shut up and put it.*and let you read it*

ILY*I LOVE YOU* LoveAlways EMO ---I took this from Taylor L.---
she's pimpin'---she can't really---no offense---in the most offensive way possible---i know I'm mean---what's your point?---do you even have a point? *no*---then take out a pencil---i know I'm lame---maybe I wanna be lame---actually i do wanna be lame---so put that in your pipe and smoke it---this extremely long message will self destruct in 5...---4...3...2...1...--- KABOOMM!!!

*It's way cooler on paper because it goes in a circle and uses actual arrows. But you'll never get to see it. HEHE. Unless you stalk me. Talking about stalking I think I've been seeing people looking at me through my windows... MOOOOMMMMMMMMYYYYYY!!! But it's nothing worse then being married to Micheal Jackon, right Christian ^_^ So how is the marriage going anyways??? Oh by the way he will only get it and hopefully COMMENT ON MY PROFILE!!! Dont wory if he doesnt I'll kick his a--- *Mom walks in door* Mom I didnt put anything I promise it. *crosses finger* XD *mom walks out of door* moron. o anyway yeah what ever i was saying before. O and read my journal aka my rants and raves so far i only have one because I'm a little (alot) behind Just read them plz they are somewhat funny and crude.* ^_^


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...RaNdOmNeSs...WeEkLy RaNtS FrOm YoUrS tRuLy...

~This is my randomness journal. Only to be used for weekly rants by ME!! on different things. Please I'm desperate. *Fat man comes by and gives me weird look* NOT LIKE THAT!! I'm open for any suggestions that you want me to rant about. And remember,


View All Comments

CrushOnMusic o_O Report | 07/19/2008 4:44 pm
CrushOnMusic o_O
hey nice profile :}
SexiEmoGirl333 Report | 07/19/2008 4:23 pm
no srry
Tyler Long Report | 07/19/2008 3:50 pm
Tyler Long
I love your Profile though!!
Do you hae like a myspace?
Aurora Sing Report | 07/13/2008 11:30 am
Aurora Sing
Welcome to the FunHouse! Can't wait to see you there! blaugh
Rarewolf Report | 06/25/2008 4:48 pm
hey long time no see!!
SexiEmoGirl333 Report | 06/23/2008 3:23 pm
hey nothing much. of course i remember you. how are you and iCollete doing
MiiSOAZN Report | 06/23/2008 3:17 pm
hey wats up?
remember me? xD
Jacks_Lament95 Report | 06/21/2008 4:55 pm
lol. Just now after..... a month I think. lol. Anyways I'll read it. I wonder what it's about >.<
Jacks_Lament95 Report | 06/05/2008 7:58 pm
DAMN!! Tell him to ******** off. Tell him i'm not interested anymore. He hurt me emo I'm with someone else. They know him though. He used to be one of Michael's little boys. Untill Michael got tired of him too. Michael is an a** hole. He uses us then throws us out when he's done with his sexual pleasures.
Dark_Dylan666 Report | 06/05/2008 7:02 pm
thanks for callin me adorable i know i am haha anyways plz dont kill me if you dont ill....*whispers in ear* ill have sex with you *winks* haha jk



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