sexy spanish woman

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Last Login: 08/06/2006 10:44 am

Registered: 08/04/2006

Gender: Female

Location: Village Hidden in the Leaves

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My name is Rock Lee. And I will be the greatest Ninja in the Village Hidden in the Leaves. My teacher Might Guy Sensei, is training me to become a splendid ninja, even though I am currently unable to use Ninjutsu or Genjutsu. I have defeated great ninjas from legendary families. Sasuke, of the Uchiha Family.Uhhhh... Well maybe not great ninjas but a great ninja! My battle with Sasuke had already been won, as soon as I used my Primary Lotus, it was to easy, also, he was one of my slowest opponents. Then Sakura, beautiful Sakura. I asked her out.... evil She called me a weirdo.
Now for some pictures of me!
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Second Lieutenant Ross Report | 09/20/2006 7:28 pm
Second Lieutenant Ross
how'd u get ur avi 2 look like Admin's?
Sakuras Randomness Report | 08/11/2006 12:48 pm
Sakuras Randomness
Random comment
BBlaze_Crys_Reaper813 Report | 08/05/2006 12:04 am
little_empress Report | 08/04/2006 6:38 pm
Hey! What's up? Thanks for commenting me!
sexy spanish woman Report | 08/04/2006 11:14 am
sexy spanish woman
Name: Rock Lee
Reputation:Thick Brows Gejimayu· · · Bushy Brow
Gender: Male
Age:13 years old
Height: 5'2" 158.5 cm
Weight :103 lbs 46.7 kg
Blood Type: A
Status :Genin
Quote: "I will protect my ninja way!"
Voice :Brian Donovan
I'm not sure what episode he made his first apperance in.
sexy spanish woman Report | 08/04/2006 11:05 am
sexy spanish woman
Yes. Rock Lee, as a child in the Ninja Academy was unable to harness his chakra. He couldn't perform Ninjutsu or Genjutsu. This lead to him being teased and put down. Being told that he would never become a great ninja, I beleive that was after his battle with Neji, I'm not sure. But being told this lead to him training hard. Such exercises include 1200 jump ropes, 1000 puches to a tree, 1000 kicks to a tree, and then Gai Sensei saw him one day training very hard. He heard why he was training so hard, because he wanted to defeat the genius ninja Neji. He was training hard, but had doubts that all his hard work would be for nothing. Gai Sensei said some encouraging words, and from then on, Rock Lee became his greatest pupil. That's his origin, do I have to tell his whole life story or what!?
Rogue LeBeau Report | 08/04/2006 10:56 am
Rogue LeBeau
XD Rock Lee. Lmao.
Akatsuki- Itachi- Uchiha Report | 08/04/2006 10:54 am
Akatsuki- Itachi- Uchiha
Do you know anything about lee?
oOMaliceOo Report | 08/04/2006 9:56 am
It's Gai, not Guy...
sexy spanish woman Report | 08/04/2006 9:44 am
sexy spanish woman
Taijutsu Specialist Rock Lee at your service.



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