
sexy_music_luva's avatar

Last Login: 11/03/2008 8:25 pm

Gender: Female

Location: in my room on myspace....

Occupation: paper deliever

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This not me!

Hey! Just so you know, this isnt sexy_music_luva!!!! This is her best friend she unwisely gave her password 2!!!!! mwa ha ha ha!!! But I wont do anything bad 2 it. She doesnt have anything worth stealing!!! biggrin anyways this girl loves to exersize, she plays the violin AND raises chuwawas that viciously attack me!! She gets good grades and has more jewlery than anyone should. I swear, she has enough necklaces, earings, and bracelets to wear for the intire year! everyday she would have a new pair of earings, necklaces, and bracelets!!!!!!!!! btw my name is Sodapoptart_fr34k, and I am Iron man, duna duna duna na vote for ME!!!!!!

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NiNjA pOiSoN Report | 05/23/2008 4:34 pm
NiNjA pOiSoN
post this message on 3 profiles then press ALT+F4 u will get 1 million gold + and angelic halo
NiNjA pOiSoN Report | 05/05/2008 6:13 am
NiNjA pOiSoN
hahaaaaa im the 1 who designed the intire page! mwa ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!!! and its a dang good thing sexy here likes it 2!!!! wanna know y?? cuz she dont know how to change it!!!!!!!!! mwa ha ha ha ha ha!!! i lulas sexy_music_luva!!!!!!!!!
NiNjA pOiSoN Report | 03/23/2008 12:10 pm
NiNjA pOiSoN
This post was removed because it appeared to be spam / chain mail.
NiNjA pOiSoN Report | 03/23/2008 12:09 pm
NiNjA pOiSoN
This post was removed because it appeared to be spam / chain mail.

People's Visits

NiNjA pOiSoN

This is my best friend Sodapoptart_fr34k, and her husband skaterboi13579!!!
