
SexyNinja's avatar

Last Login: 03/30/2011 3:21 pm

Registered: 10/16/2004

Gender: Male

Location: where ever there are lots of yummy cookies

My Story

5:00am Monday morning
Week 49

Waiting for polls to open for new modeling job on Gaia.

SexyNinja: *sings*"The best part of waking up is java in my cup! As well as a nice hot Bowl-O-Ramennnn."*stops singing*

Bowl-O-Ramen: "Hey you ever get the feeling you are being watched?!"

Coco Kitty: *evil grin*"prrrrr."

SexyNinja: "Boy oh boy is work going to be slow today huh Coco."

Coco Kitty: "Meow Meow"....*wiggles butt*

Bowl-O-Ramen: "No kitty! That's a bad kitty."

SexyNinja: *begins to take a sip of java* "mmmmm..."

Coco Kitty: *POUNCE*

Bowl-O-Ramen: "AAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!" *spill*

SexyNinja: "AH AH AH!! Hot Bowl-O-Ramen HOT BOWL-O-RAMEN ON CROTCH OF PANTS!!!!*java spills in panic* OOOOOOUUUUUUCH!!!!!!"
*passes out from pain*

Bowl-O-Ramen: *Cold and no longer moving*

Coco Kitty: *licking paws after having spilled breakfast*
"Mew!" =^_^=



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SexyNinja's Adventures and Randomness

Random whatever I feel like posting in it.....^_^;


View All Comments

PrincessLunaBlueWolf Report | 05/26/2011 3:33 am
Happy Birthday!
SycoTik_Reborn Report | 05/01/2009 12:39 am
OfGermanBlood Report | 10/11/2008 5:22 pm
Eh yeah so to speak I'm rather sick. other then that no
OfGermanBlood Report | 10/09/2008 8:08 pm
yeah no kidding
OfGermanBlood Report | 10/07/2008 12:09 pm
Hello <3
~i_am_shiori_~ Report | 05/07/2007 5:21 pm
i was the burger king O.O!
xXx -candy- xXx Report | 05/06/2007 11:17 am
random commentness!!
~i_am_shiori_~ Report | 04/13/2007 6:53 pm
hey lyle -poke-
hemp5000 Report | 04/12/2007 5:36 pm
hi =3
deadlymillina Report | 04/11/2007 9:55 am
o_O what a jiggly profile
