
I am a kind hearted and love nature.......well the dark nature....i am a major goth even though i dont dress like one. I love vampires and i love the color black......hehe and i am little evil just sometimes.........and i am a very big pervert.........hehehe

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Viewing 11 of 11 friends


Viewing 8 of 8 comments.

creepy steven1

Report | 10/21/2008 4:12 pm

creepy steven1

hey wats up
slick mcv

Report | 09/25/2008 5:10 pm

slick mcv

Try this out this is really works! send this in

5 people - 500g

10 people - 1k

15 people - 10k

27 people - 29k

Then press ctrl + w!

when the window closed, login again your account and check your gold amount

you earned a lot of gold!!
Ghost Shell 21

Report | 07/24/2008 10:21 am

Ghost Shell 21

Nothing I'm just hanging around
What About You

Report | 06/05/2008 9:17 am


mazura hatake_k

Report | 06/03/2008 7:58 pm

mazura hatake_k

fourth comment!! woot WOOT!

O nata lux de lumine,-----O born light of light,

Jesu redemptor saeculi,-----Jesus, redeemer of the world,

dignare clemens supplicum-----mercifully deem worthy and accept

laudes preces que sumere.-----the praises and prayers of your supplicants.

Qui carne quondam contegi-----Thou who once deigned to be clothed in flesh

dignatus es pro perditis.-----for the sake of the lost ones,

Nos membra confer effici,-----grant us to be made members

tui beati corporis.-----of your holy body.


Report | 06/02/2008 6:12 pm


HIIIIIIIIIIIIII. Its jenny! the short one that is. I have third comment im happy!!!!
Ghost Shell 21

Report | 05/28/2008 9:31 am

Ghost Shell 21

Aww I'm second but that's okay I plan on sending you a friend request in just a little bit
mazura hatake_k

Report | 05/26/2008 8:03 am

mazura hatake_k

rawr!!!! first comment eva!!! bwahaha!
<333 you sexy >_~