
I'm quiet. Moreso than most. I probably won't talk much to you; don't be offended, I don't talk to anyone much. Don't let my looks deceive, I can be downright cruel, if I feel it's necessary. When will I feel that that is necessary?
1) If you're ready to kick someone from a ZOMG! group because they've said that they're going afk for a minute, you'll be getting some verbally abused by yours truly. Patience is a virtue, they say, but it's not just something that is wanted in an mmo, it's downright required when playing with other people. Face it, you're playing with people who DO have lives outside of their computers, and they have things to do. Keep in mind that we play these games for ourselves, not for you. Going along with this, we all want, or even require help at times. This does not justify whining because someone isn't up for yet ANOTHER round of Papa Saw. When we're done, we're done, and you ought to be respectful of that. You can ask "Could we please go for one more round? I only need 10k until I get the item that I want," but be respectful when the response is no, and be grateful when the response is yes.
2) Being an elitist p***k when you don't need to be isn't being helpful, it's just being a p***k. I can be elitist at times, myself, but usually there's good reason for it.
3) You'll probably get some sarcastic or rude remarks from me if you use most chat-speak, any form of ebonics, or if you HAVE YOUR CAPS LOCK KEY ON ALL THE FREAKING TIME. Seriously. Caps Lock key, all you need to do is click it again, it's not that hard. And when you've got it on, it makes me think it's something important, when all you really said is "ZOMG I AM SOOOO LEET ROFLMAO!!!!111!!1!"...so i scroll up, and much to my dismay, i stopped fighting to look at that for nothing.
4) I know that there are many of you with actual problems with spelling, and all too many people with dyslexia. However, there are many of you who have no excuse for spelling the way you do. And yes, I will go out of my way to correct you. Every. Single. Time. Seriously, when your spelling reminds me of the My Immortal fanfiction, it's pretty ******** bad. stressed
5) This one just goes for anyone, anywhere, inside or outside of Gaia. I hate all you men who act like assholes to be cool, and I hate you girls who whine and b***h to be cute. It's not cool, and it's not cute. It's annoying. To everyone. And slobbering all over your loved one? Also not cute. Annoying. I don't know how many times I have to say this. When you do this, I put you at the intellectual level of a dog who's still humping everything it sees. That's right, I think of you as a horny dog. The kind you just want to kick and scream "NO, BAD DOG!!!" at.

My interests include sleeping, breathing, cheesecake, sweets, cats, happiness, flowers, and just life in general. Of course, here's hoping we can all enjoy each other's company, and play along well 4laugh Hehehe...like that's gonna happen rolleyes