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Shadow the bad

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Birthday: 10/14


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I am Shadow
a super-villain, arms dealer, mercenary
ally to evil
nightmare to good
all around bad mofo

why? you ask
because i can be


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Hitokiri Dark Angel Report | 05/30/2015 6:55 am
Hitokiri Dark Angel
I am sorry.. a lot of things happened at once and Gaia sucks at alerting me of comments. I don't understand why. It is bother some.
How are you?
I am sorry you still work those guys. Have they caused you anymore trouble?
Hitokiri Dark Angel Report | 05/25/2015 11:03 am
Hitokiri Dark Angel
You didn't make me uncomfortable. I am just getting busy. I am student. I start school tomorrow. XP
Um.. so you say you have a great memory?
What do you think might be the problem? Or do you really have no idea?
Do you still work with the guy?
Hitokiri Dark Angel Report | 05/21/2015 5:08 pm
Hitokiri Dark Angel
I listen to all different types.. but it depends on my mood or purpose. I am single. How about you?
I think you mentioned that.. wow.. I have a horrible memory. I understand the late night shift.. when I worked 11 pm to 7 am.. I wouldn't get home till 8 am.. hour drive.. sometimes I swore the rising sun was the setting one.. It really messes with you.
Is your work difficult? Do you like it? And it does make you tired.. because if you have things to do on your day off.. you are "staying up late" and you can ruin your sleeping schedule.. and you tend not to sleep that well during the day.
Hitokiri Dark Angel Report | 05/20/2015 6:40 pm
Hitokiri Dark Angel
Oh and the mountains our lovely. If you aren't use to the altitude, you an get dizzy, headaches and have trouble breathing. Or even a blood nose. The air is so much fresher.. and I love them. And miss them. I love the thin air.. and it so much sunnier. <3 I love dry climates. I decided.

^^ Yes.. changing eye colors and forms is nice.

How are you doing tonight?
I noticed you don't get on much.. or at least not the times I do. But I guess if you live in Cali.. which I am not sure if you do.. that would be a three hour difference.
Hitokiri Dark Angel Report | 05/20/2015 8:30 am
Hitokiri Dark Angel
I don't wear glasses. But I will need them eventually. Just not at the moment. *Yawns* i just wanted contacts to be able to change the color of my eyes on a whim.
That is nice of your friend to allow you to borrow that! I think you could handle no internet and stuff for a week.
I'm sorry... I jut woke up.. so I am not all with it at the moment.
Hitokiri Dark Angel Report | 05/19/2015 10:04 am
Hitokiri Dark Angel
I live under a rock and I've a lot of TV to catch up on... so sadly I don't know any of the movies you named. Though I suppose there is a possibility I have seen them and just don't know their names.
I am not apart of the Gaia staff.. though for as long as I have been a member it would almost seem so. I cause trouble for them mostly. lol When I bother to come on Gaia that is.
I'm approximately... 2,730.7 mi from Cali. I use to live in Colorado.. so I was much closer. ;-; I miss home.. I miss my mountains.
Laser surgery could help. But I wouldn't trust it... I am so particular about my eyes. And it depends on what you have if it can be fixed. Sometimes just getting the right vitamins and not staring at a screen and doing eye movements can help. And wearing sunglasses out in sunny bright areas.
I don't like contacts... well.. more like I can't use them. They scare me. I wanted to! But.. It is.. more like.. my eye lids close.. every time one gets close, or anything gets close. And four eye doctors can't get one in.. it is a hopeless cause. I was never one of those kids who poked their own eyes.

o.o Maybe the Gaia staff has been stalking me. I was just talking to someone else.. they introduced me to Ranma.. and wouldn't you know.. there is a Ranma chance item all of a sudden.
Hitokiri Dark Angel Report | 05/18/2015 12:57 pm
Hitokiri Dark Angel
It isn't that I don't agree. I just don't play hunter with people as prey.
Well.. not for fun, anyways. Playing hard to get, is usually for intimate types of relationships. It will be odd for a woman to chase a guy.
Especially, when I believe that you can't make someone like you. And if you could... it wouldn't be right and would take the fun out f things.
So I wouldn't chase a guy playing hard to get is what I meant.

Though... I can play hunter in the way if I need more information about a person... I will observe them, talk with them, and talk to people who know them.
But usually I am too lazy for all that. It is enough to just to talk to someone and observe them. People give a lot away.

Green eyes. That is neat. I think.. it is more rare than blue. lol No one ever talks about green eyes that often. I bet they are beautiful. Not to embarrass you or anything.

Hmm. mine look brown. ^-^
But they are a mixture of amber, gold, green, and a gray. So hazel.
But best when waking up, when they are a sedate green. I think, anyways.
Especially since during the day they tend to go almost amber.

Hm.. I may have to check it out. Westerns aren't my favorite. I think my favorite is.... well I like two.. which are pretty terrible towards women. XP
Um.. Bad Girls.. but my all time favorite is The Outlaw Josey Wales.
Hitokiri Dark Angel Report | 05/17/2015 9:03 am
Hitokiri Dark Angel
So a person who is open to answering any question... perhaps may not be as interesting as a person who may not want to answer every question.
A person who shows interest in sharing is less interesting than the people more closed up?

Hehe. I see. That makes sense I suppose. What western movie?
I will have to think about it for a while... because I feel like there are more levels to people. But I guess for a general summery it works quite well.

But I kind of agree. Not completely about hard to get... but I do think people need to play more.
Hitokiri Dark Angel Report | 05/16/2015 8:33 am
Hitokiri Dark Angel
It is alright. There are a lot of states and I haven't been to many of them.
Why three accounts... and omg.. inflation is bad!
I barely checked in because there was a lull in school.. only to find zOMG is gone. And I am really rather pissed about it.
The great thing about being an open book.. is.. if you wanted to keep thins secret you can do so out in the open. Because people often don't ask a lot of questions of others.. and well..
They are more like kids.. only want the things they can't have.
Hitokiri Dark Angel Report | 05/15/2015 7:55 pm
Hitokiri Dark Angel
No there is always mystery with people. People you know the best, you still do not know everything.
Ewie.. cold and humid. x.o

I'm 25, a student, and I am everything just about. I love long walks in the mountains. I'm from Colorado, but I now live in PA... with its stupid humidity and large bug population like all humid areas.

And thank you. I can't decide how I want my avi to look. So it changes often.

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