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Birthday: 07/01


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777star777 Report | 07/20/2012 8:06 pm
Cool pg
Aki_Taka_Ryuu Report | 07/05/2011 10:43 am
Challenge my Sensei? Lol, we do some sparring, but I normally work with other students on sparring cause Sensei has to watch us along with the other groups, if we have more than one, to make sure no one gets hurt...Sparring is pretty safe though unless you get someone who doesn't have any self-control or doesn't know the rules...
Aki_Taka_Ryuu Report | 06/30/2011 6:10 am
Thanks, and my sensei likes having me around during the day sometimes (I help him out with different programs he does during the day during the summer)...We are working on some Shuai Jiao (Shuai Chiao, different ways of spelling it...) So he got to throw me around a few days ago, it was pretty fun cause when he gets to throw me, I get to throw him back...I like shuai jiao since it uses alot of throws...
Aki_Taka_Ryuu Report | 06/27/2011 12:55 pm
Lol, yeah, I started Karate at 12 almost 13 and have continued on with Karate along with other martial arts...I'm almost 17 now...Its been hard work but my Sensei and I think I'll be ready to black belt test in March next year...
Aki_Taka_Ryuu Report | 06/18/2011 9:36 pm
I've been in Karate for 4 years, I think 1 and a half to 2 years in Chin na, maybe 6 months in BJJ, and only a month in Wushu (or Kung-fu as most people say)...All of those overlap though lol...
Aki_Taka_Ryuu Report | 06/08/2011 7:48 pm
No, just Karate, Jiu-jitsu, Chin na, some Shuai Jiao, and some Wushu (or in American Terms, Kung-fu lol)
Aki_Taka_Ryuu Report | 05/26/2011 5:25 am
I've been alright. How about you?
ZaNamations Report | 05/09/2011 7:06 pm
Haha Thankies Jay! biggrin Same to you blaugh
Zubby Zombie Report | 12/24/2010 5:25 pm
You don't know if it'll help or not. Stop acting like you know what's best for me Jeremy. And that last comment: Even if you were born in America and were still here, we'd still be from two different countries. I'm trying as hard as I can to change my ways cause right now, the person I hate most is myself. And you don't need to rub it in by asking "WTF is wrong with you?" I know I have problems. And If I did know exactly what was wrong with me, I wouldn't tell you until I got it fixed. Thanks for The guilt trip Jeremy. Have a good X-mas. =.=''
Zubby Zombie Report | 12/24/2010 5:10 pm
My family notices it too. I'm going to see a theripist after the first of the year to see if it helps.