
shadowgirl001's avatar

Last Login: 01/25/2009 9:46 pm

Registered: 02/01/2007

Gender: Female

Location: Bloomington WoOt!!!

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I'm 13 and im an emo Im dating no one my brother eric just had a baby boy his name is Daniel Jude Lusby hes 7 pound 11 ounces and 22 and a half inches long born may 9th 2007 at 9 44 A.M.

as you can see i dont up date things vary much XD im not with cody any more and never will be again so yeah well there isnt much to me well if you look at my profile you see i love my friends and most my family vary much and i love showing that because my friends and most of my family mean the world to me and so i put most of them befor my self on every thin as you can tell my profile isnt about me its about them well its summer now and iv spent most my summer at my friend chelsea's house so i pretty much live there for the summer exsept for thursdays i live at kylas on thursdays because thats the only time mom is home(kylas mom)so thats the only time i can stay the night which is ok with me just as long as i can stay there sometimes and well that my life well that all you random people need to know any ways........


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Emo Love

all the problems and things that happen in my life i choose to write about and tell any one who choooses to read it


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B R 3 N D O N Report | 01/10/2008 5:22 pm
Hey....I see myself up at the top.

converse_rock Report | 08/16/2007 2:35 pm
hey what's up??
Sirensois2 Report | 06/08/2007 8:20 pm
(I'm both commenting and posting this, Just incase you don't check one. )

-_- I go to the same camp (in refrence to your comment on Cody's profile) and I'm reeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaally getting tired of all this s**t going on. I won't let either of you b***h at each other while I'm there so why can't you both just get over yourselves and LEAVE EACH OTHER ALONE! My god! I'm not against you and I love Paige. Also I can almost always keep my temper under check. But the two of you (and especially you Chelsea, hate to say it) are really pushing me to the edge. You don't /need/ revenge and I happen to somehow be mixed into this and believe me you do NOt want to see me when I am honestly pissed off. So I suggest you don't get to that piont. I do keep trying to tell Paige to ignore you so I'll do the same here. Ignore her. That way you can both be happy. If you can't handle it yourself I'll do it for you.

Just. Shut. The. ********. Up.

You're whiney and annoying and I know you're upset but that doesn't automatically give you the right to be a b***h and not have any self control. My life isn't peaches and cream either but I don't go around lying and destroying things belonging to others, or attempting to conspire in any way.

I don't hate you. Because I don't hate people. Or at least I hate very, very, very few people. But you have really gone to far. And I'm sick of it.

Give it a ******** rest. Okay? Please? I don't say anything online I wouldn't have the guts to say in person so know that I REALLY mean this. I'm really sick of it. I don't think that prior to this point I've really been any kind of mean to you and my sole intent in this is, in fact, NOT to be cruel. I just really can' t take any more of this and NONE of it is necessary for the common good. Also, I would like you to know that if you have ANYTHING to do with Cody not saying anything to me I am going to be very. Very. Very. Angry.

I'm not implying that I think you do. It's just a warning. I don't aprecciate people getting in my way. And you've already done your fair share.


~Anari (Jade)
Primordial Calamity Report | 06/05/2007 2:36 pm
Okay, look. It's MY blog so I can write about whatever I want. If you don't like what you read, then don't read it. I'm allowed to express my opinions in my blog. And I thought you were over Cody and found someone else to love? Which brings up my next point; DON'T lecture me about how I feel. Ever. ESPECIALLY not about how I feel about Cody. You haven't even known him a year. I'm in love with him with a sincere love, and it took a LOT of work to get there. And a lot of time, and a LOT of effort. So I know your love can't possibly be legit. You haven't even KNOWN him long enough. I'm not picking a fight with you or anything, so please don't go looking for one with me. Just....Leave me alone.
Primordial Calamity Report | 06/03/2007 3:48 pm
Okay good. So stop talking about it.
Primordial Calamity Report | 06/02/2007 9:52 am
Regaurding your comment on my journal where I complained about a guy who shall remain namelss, if that's how you're feeling, then don't worry. Because I got over that guy and now I could really care less if I ever see him again.
shadowgirl001 Report | 05/15/2007 12:20 pm
yes brian ice anime
Kagebure Report | 05/13/2007 10:34 am
ha ha ice anime pics my sisterery type perony thingy .........., me gona go away now
Shadow Shuriken Sasuke Report | 05/12/2007 11:50 am
eh thats what i say when im bored. like how cody always says "hello clarice" to me.
Shadow Shuriken Sasuke Report | 05/11/2007 12:24 pm
hello there puppet, u have a money, me jealous. me go cry now.


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Turning my back on things
Lil Baby L
B R 3 N D O N
Kakashis left eye

My Hommie

I love my sister


Daniel Jude Lusby cutest baby EVER!!!!

gone like the wind and ya know i just dont care !!!

gone like the wind and ya know what i just dont are