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Aki La Chat

Me, with my right-hand man and... left-hand girl?
The point is, we're tight. We keep close and watch
each others' backs. Thats all you need to know.

Name: ...Either you know it, or you dont.
Age: 17
Status: Unavailable
Birthday: February 2nd. Now you have no excuse
to not get me a present.

I've been away for a while, It's true.
I've torn down the old, and started anew.
I've been gone for a while, but now I'm here,
and everyone's got reason to fear,
because now I'm here, I plan to stay.
I have no plans to go away.
For those who missed me, now I'm back.
For those who didn't... Who gives a #^(*?

My name has finally been reverted to ShadowRose6663!!
Thank you to the Gaia staff who fixed it, as well as
getting my account back after it was hacked!