
That was the past. Now I'm just exploring. ~-~
I'm still seaching for it...
I'm usually nice until my anger goes past its limit.
My actions depend on how far the limit is passed..
When it does, I don't know what will happen if I get too angry.
As far as I know, I'm not physically strong enough to hurt anyone.. yet.


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[Full Satan Form]
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[Elements: Darkness, darkened fire, darkened ice]
With the aid of Anti-Hiro, he was finally able to submit to darkness entirely. Several curses were placed to ensure that the light in his heart would be restrained within the darkness for eternity. Whenever his inner light tries to escape, the curses placed upon him would immediately shimmer in red and blue to strengthen the power of darkness . This inner battle is also evident with the sudden whiteness of the eyes. Without the existence of emotions, he became the true "Assassin".

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Special: Manipulation of time and space
Summon: Dark Dragon of Endless Time

User Image Assassin [Ultimate] form (appears in Battle Tactic)
Name: Shadowx505 (codename)
background info: He woke up w/out any memories of the past. After a dream, he found out that the only link to his memory is to find the ultimate enemy: Satan. However, the only way to reach Satan is to defeat all 666 of his followers called the Shadows. When a follower, or a Shadow is defeated, a skill, weapon, or equipment will be gained from that particular Shadow. As Shadowx505 defeats more and more Shadows, he begins to find out the truth of himself, bit by bit...
Birthday: 666
Location: Unknown
Birthplace: Unknown (Darkened) World
Gender: Male
Occupation: Assassin
Weapon: Lunar Scythe Pair, Twin Katanas, 6 Flame Swords, 2 Dark Stars
Type: Darkened Fire/Power
Quote: I will search for it at all cost, even if it means sacrificing my life.
Overdive: Endless Time: a last resort/finishing move tiggered after 666 Submition and 505 Reversion. When the 2 moves are completed, a black aura surrounds him, he casts time spell and does unlimited damages

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Satan form
Consumed by complete darkness, the Satin form is the darkest out of all the forms. The soul sometimes frees itself out of the body shell by becoming a shadow spirit.
Special Move: A soul may be reaped out of a person's body and become a shadow spirit under the control of Satan
Overdrive: The dark curse-marks on his body release an evil energy, and the Shadow Moon rises into the sky, spreading darkness into the whole area. He takes off the headband, allowing the Dark Star scouter to activate night vision mode. Soon afterwards, he gathers dark energy from the area into the Fire and Ice Gauntlets. The Gauntlets glowed brightly in red or blue according to its element. He punches the air upwards with the left Ice Gauntlet hand to shoot an ice beam into the sky. With the beam still shooting skywards, he punches the air upwards again, but this time using the Fire gauntlet hand, thus releasing an inferno into the sky. As the two powers struck each other, a stormy night is created. Using the Dark Star scouter, he tracks down the target. He punches at the enemy with inhumane speed, hitting him/her with a powerful force of fire and ice repeatedly. After many furious blows, he stops and unshealths his Sword of Aegis. It begins to absorb dark energy until it is completely surrounded by a moving dark aura. Then he casts a spell to surround the enemy with a dark aura, thus freezing the target with fear. He damages the target from a different side every dozen speedy slashes. In just a moment, 666 slashes have successfully inflicted onto the enemy. He releases the Sword of Aegis, letting it float in front of its master. He then punches the sword with both his gauntlets, each blow coming from either the left or the right side. The blows added a blue and red aura around the already darkened Sword of Aegis. He grabs the final form of Sword of Aegis and slashes at the enemy. Each slash causes the enemy to fly about 6 foot away. After his sixth blow, he jumps up into the air and stabs the sword down onto the enemy, crushing the target immediately.

User Image Regular Assassin form

User Image Ancient Soul Reaper form
Weapon: Twin Katanas
Overdrive: A black and white aura flows strongly around him and his katana like a strong wind. With his katana, he writes out the darkness and light characters on thin air. When the two characters appear in front of him, he stabs the katana onto the ground, unlocking two portals. The darkness portal soon appears on the ground and the light portal appears on the sky. The two swords came out of its proper portals slowly. When the two swords came to view completely, he combines the two elemental symbols together with his hands. The two swords then bides together, creating the ultimate lengendary sword. He holds the lengendary sword firmly with both of his hands, causing it to glow bright. He starts running towards the enemy left and right with the speed so great that clones appear, thus seperating his attention from his enemy. He encircles the enemy with his made clones and slash the enemy at all sides.

Soul Reaper Bankai
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Overdrive: The Shadow Dragon flies off and darkness overcomes the surroundings. He jumps and throws serveral kanais onto the target. Withdrawing his katana, he draws the darkness symbol onto thin air. Holding the katana with both hands, he break into the symbol, creating a black aura around the katana. He slashes at the target 666 times in a few seconds. Jumping onto the Shadow dragon's back, he charges into the target repeatedly. After the 6th charge, he and the dragon speeds upward. It stops and spins downward onto the target.

Battle Tactic created when I was bored...

It was a dark and stormy night. Jumping from tree to tree, the assassin tracks down his enemy with his Dark Star (Starry-Eyed Surprise). Once out of the forest and the enemy targeted, he attacks the enemy with his crossed-X Lunar Scythes (Crescent Slash form). He throws the Dark Star that was in his right hand while taking out the second Dark Star from his back and performs the same action, causing more damage to the enemy. Once the 2 Dark Stars are back into his hands, he throws it into the sky. The Dark Stars changes into Shuriken Blades and showers down at the enemy. He jumps up high before the shower finishes and takes out his 2 Ancient katanas from his back. He uses his fire wings to charge at the enemy and gives out high damages with his katanas. In a moment, he jumps back a few feet away and stabs the katanas onto the ground. [6]He then jumps onto the katanas' handles and the 6 Flame swords that created his wings separated. The 6 swords float at his height, pointing downwards while spinning slowly around him. [6]He sprints towards the enemy at amazing speed, takes out 2 of 6 Flame swords that are still spinning around him. He slashes at the enemy, and each sword is changed after its slash. He sends 1 Flame sword to fly into the sky. It disappears into the sky in a blink of an eye. [5]He swings his right hand from left to right as a command to send the rest of the 5 Flame swords to strike at the enemy. When the 5 Flames swords reach its target, he removes his Dark Star (Starry-Eyed Surprise), thus immediately unlocking his hidden magic. [0]He put his arm up with his palm facing the same direction, sending the enemy flying upward. He quickly teleports to the location of his 5 Flame swords, where his enemy was a second ago. [5]He grabs each sword one by one and throws it blades up at the enemy repeatedly until all 5 swords are off the ground. The blades send the enemy slightly higher with his strike. He jumps up high into the sky, reaching to where the enemy was still flying up, and a black aura surrounds him completely. He grabs 2 swords from midair, then slash at the enemy repeatedly at a 4-sided counter-clockwise direction starting from the enemy's right side, changing swords when he change sides. When he reaches to the enemy's front side, he releases the previous 2 swords and grabs the remaining sword in the air. At that moment, the dark aura surrounding him glows and he casts a time stop spell, freezing time and all around him. He holds the sword with 2 hands and slashes at the target endlessly with unlimited damages. When the time stop spell disperses, he moves the sword to above the enemy's head and smashes it down, sending the enemy falling to the ground. He sends all 5 swords striking down onto the enemy, causing the surroundings of the enemy to explode. The Flame sword that was once sent into the sky now comes down like a meteor at increasing velocity and crashes down onto the enemy, giving its final blow. He lands onto the ground swiftly, all weapons appear around him. A light appears, giving a second of blindness to all. When the light is gone, all weapons are already restored to its original position before the battle. When the enemy appears to have no signs of life, he says, "Mission #666, accomplished." The rain soon stops and the sun begins to rise.

666 Submition
6-When 6 Flame swords become wings
6-When 6 Flame swords seperate and spins around the user
6-When he excutes sword-changing technique
505 Reversion
5-When he commands 5/6 Flame swords to strike at enemy
0-When he uses


Viewing 12 of 29 friends


Ways to kill




Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

russell dyment

Report | 09/09/2008 8:06 pm

russell dyment

would you be my assasin buddy if i asked you to be my friend?
Uchiha 1205

Report | 03/05/2008 6:38 pm

Uchiha 1205

An Tie Hiro 1205

Report | 03/04/2008 7:07 pm

An Tie Hiro 1205

An Tie Hiro 1205

Report | 03/02/2008 8:42 am

An Tie Hiro 1205

as expected

Report | 03/01/2008 2:48 pm


An Tie Hiro 1205

Report | 03/01/2008 9:05 am

An Tie Hiro 1205

I guess ..User Image
Uchiha 1205

Report | 03/01/2008 8:55 am

Uchiha 1205

It's a curse, I know.
Uchiha 1205

Report | 02/24/2008 8:02 am

Uchiha 1205

An Tie Hiro 1205

Report | 02/24/2008 7:59 am

An Tie Hiro 1205

-gets hit, then lies down- >o< -o- -.- you bore me. xP

Report | 02/23/2008 5:12 pm

