shameless lesbian

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Last Login: 10/11/2010 6:10 pm

Registered: 08/25/2006

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zombielover1 Report | 10/12/2010 11:01 am
If you like this Copy and paste to 4 other profiles then press f5 and get 500,000gg
Sexy Slave Girl 19 Report | 09/14/2010 12:41 am
Sexy Slave Girl 19
OMG I love your profile! And your avatar is so sexy!
KawaiiGiggles Report | 06/12/2010 11:40 am
nice name. ^_^
darkbeyond87 Report | 03/30/2010 8:30 pm
noo cant have that at all ^.^ and yay my first fan! biggrin thank u smile
Domon the King of Hearts Report | 03/29/2010 4:12 pm
Domon the King of Hearts
this page is hot
Darklord_the_13th_warrior Report | 03/16/2010 7:47 am
thanks for shoppin at my store....peace
LesbianFurryArtist Report | 03/08/2010 11:16 pm
It is a good book. One of the ones i got from my stepsis. I swear if i can't find it im gonna cry.
I've never heard of the others, but then again thats not gonna stop me biggrin
Fried Tree Report | 03/05/2010 9:34 am
Fried Tree
i agree that we need to look at what we judge and what a norm is
buut at the end of the day, god. it's totally screwed up though because
as much as we can all try and not judge batshit crazy unique people we're
still gonna do it. :/
but then again I'm just not down on body hair in general. I don't like hairy pits but i don't think anyone does
Hmm. Makes you wonder what the hell up and down is.
And then there's the bible, and the part where man was bored so god created woman out of man's rib?
TALK ABOUT A CROCK OF BULL s**t. I think religion has really verified all of the stereotypes. I mean let's
face it, if Jesus Christ were alive today he'd be PISSED at the mockery people have made out of his bible.
And mohammad, especially how women in Islam have gone from being the head of the family to being seen but not heard
Fried Tree Report | 03/02/2010 11:23 am
Fried Tree
i dig it- puddle dive she questions what a standard is like
pick yer nose, too, and that's important. to me i think it was especially specific because she's in a board room, which goes on to how women are portrayed much less than men are in business and corporations, etc.
and its totally true- like, if you see a woman with arm pit hair your INSTINCT to the gut is that its a bit off putting, even when you know it doesn't ******** matter. it's a standard that has to do with human nature. like in nature, how the males have to attract the females. it really comes down to how nature works, women are to be praised but its been taken at such a sexual level that women are percieved to be for sex or anything else superficial. i think it's interesting to compare women and men in the animal kingdom- i think there's gotta be some linkage in there somewhere. but i think humans went a bit hay wire, we have the minds to do so anyways, and women have suffered from it.
Fried Tree Report | 03/02/2010 10:52 am
Fried Tree
Ugh who cares though it's a really powerful statement that
at the time was a necessary point of view to have you know
i love her no matter what she says talent is talent simple as that.
funny how you loved blood in the board room my sister heard
that song and she got pissed she hates that song lol i like the
message it makes though, you think about how it's 10 years old
and now everyone adapts to that idea- this generation is very, liberal I guess.
Nothing wrong with I don't think


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