
hey im selling my stuff so i can get these stuff: Aquatica(done), Spirit Falcon(done), Elegant Red Satin Skirt, Elegant Red Satin Corset. which i think will never happen cuz im dead poor right now(seriously). so please try buying my stuff, theyre the cheapest!!! donators are loved. <3


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shana_chan_94's avatar


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Total Value: 144,488 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Spirit Falcon
Elegant Red Satin Skirt
Elegant Red Satin Corset

like my new layout? i spent hella time on it so dont rip off my material.=]].heyy!feel free to leave a comment but i cant say for sure i'll comment you back. don't pretend to be someone youre not cuz im sure someone will like you for who you are. youll learn more about me if you start talking to be. wanna be my friend? we can kicket one of these days. hate on me? i'll act like you dont even exist FRIEND. lalala, but i know we wont be able to know each other that much cuz it's gaia, but yeah i have nothing to write about. watermelon is hella good. >< you knoe how people will say "sharing is caring?" sharing is NOT caring. sharing is when you take your JUICE BOX and reading together a good BOOK. whhoo c/o 08 baby!!! but ill miss all you guys. =] one tip for you, MAKE PEACE WITH YOUR PAST SO IT WONT SCREW UP THE PRESENT.

User Image that's why we have OUR own characteristic remember? wink buh boo!

=]] (my smexy signature, lmao!)

User Image rocking them dunkkksss =D


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It's alll aboutt moiii. =]]

its what the title says dork. ;)


View All Comments

Kurt_Mac Report | 11/07/2008 8:17 pm
hello? i bet u forgot al about me lol..
upgradedjew Report | 03/26/2008 3:44 pm
its ok i understand User Image

gaia ist the only thing in life $_$

life been goood

all a's LXD
upgradedjew Report | 03/10/2008 1:43 pm
i have wiped my memory

so my comment will be

:blank: ^_^

please dont reply soon

im recovering from too many commetns User Image
Sarkuvaria Report | 03/06/2008 5:09 pm
thx ^^
Sarkuvaria Report | 03/05/2008 9:01 pm
shana-chan! ^^
grl_fwend Report | 03/03/2008 8:16 pm
try voting now, cuz it works, finally. :]
upgradedjew Report | 03/03/2008 11:44 am

lateness is the new punctaulity User Image

i dont know any gd dancers

i dont really look at for them User Image

but i have heard that asian pop artist

have really funny dance moves User Image

the kind of music i like listening to

the artsist hate dancing User Image %_%

what kind of music do u listen to
grl_fwend Report | 03/01/2008 6:18 pm
try next week. cuz i entered a few days ago, so ya. lol
Holden Strauss Report | 03/01/2008 12:05 pm
Holden Strauss
Hello my account Lyra_Parry has been banned if you would like to continue being friends plz send a friend request
grl_fwend Report | 02/28/2008 7:52 pm
thnk u good frend :]



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