Shee Roi-mono

Shee Roi-mono's avatar

Last Login: 01/12/2020 5:03 pm

Registered: 12/25/2005

Gender: Male

Location: 3oh!3 Thornton, Colorado

Birthday: 08/13

Occupation: On a campaign for pain!

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about me

HELLO Everybody! My name is Danny, my nicknames are Danny-Boy, D-Boy, Dan The Man with the Plan, Danarino, Party Man, Daniacolypse, and DANGEROUS DANNY lol! I don't care what you call me as long as its not insulting I'm always cool with a new nick name. I'm usually a quiet person, unless a lot of my friends are around. So remember to come talk to me because I probably wont talk to you, I guess you could say I'm anti social, I just don't talk to much until i feel comfortable with who i am talking to.

Random Facts "About Me"

I like games... Like a lot... (I play WoW)
I like music! Like A LOT! (music is my life)
I like to chill! (I love being with friends)
I'm shy
I'm hungry...
I'm grateful for everything good in my life!
I've made A LOT of mistakes. (and learned from them)
I'm only human. (Don't judge me)
I've got one to many regrets on my mind (forgetting is hard)
I really like style! (but don't label me) I am who I am
I LOVE ANIMALS (except most dogs scare me)
I think fast cars are awesome (i want a Ferrari)
I think tattoos and piercings are amazing (♥ body art)
I want to do something significant in life (even if its not a big deal)
Youtube is one of my best friends
I am listening to Bring Me The Horizon right now
I break/lose my cell phones all the time (my current one sucks)
I wish I could time travel (that'd be sweet)
or space travel (that'd be even sweeter)

Anything else you still wanna know?!?! Just P.M me and ask!

User Image
Total Value: 27,439,624 Gold
After Exclusions: 27,417,191 Gold

Item List:
Belted Pants
Nitemare Boots
Nitemare Sash
Alruna's Rose
Alruna's Rose 2nd Gen
Alruna's Rose 7th Gen
Alruna's Rose 2nd Gen
S.I.N. Robes
Moira's Underwear
Underground Sound

Donations to help with my dream avatar are appreciated, and will be paid back eventually.

Donators heart Someone anonymously donated me a mythril coin worth 1,000,000,000 gold!! Thank you so much who ever you are! Someone else anonymously gifted me old school Jack 2k7 earings, thank you very much! heart I would return the favor if I knew who you were. heart
Miss Nina gave me a very cool Onyx Serpent, and 7 billion gold heart
mike keoz gave me a black and white animated fox tail!!

care to comment?

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Uncensored_Unicorn Report | 04/10/2016 11:14 am
swaggity switty
Miki Snow Report | 01/02/2016 5:38 pm
Miki Snow
Cello to you too smile
rosiesenpai Report | 11/30/2015 12:30 am
Thank you, and your welcome. 3nodding
u w u Yumiko Chan Report | 11/27/2015 7:13 pm
u w u Yumiko Chan

I figured you did
It's an awesome
joke though.
u w u Yumiko Chan Report | 11/27/2015 7:05 pm
u w u Yumiko Chan

Awesome avatar
Noiiice profile introduction!!!
AyaLee94 Report | 11/27/2015 10:59 am
You're quite welcome 3nodding
Zeny_V Report | 08/16/2015 5:15 pm
UWAHhhh emotion_kirakira Now I really wish I could see a meteor shower ;u;
Just picturing it is real amasing *feels left-out* emotion_8c
That's grate, I'm glad you were safe and had such a good time ^3^
I'm sorry to hear about that though.. it's really unfortunate. *glomps back* emotion_hug
Even juss from knowing you a short while, I know that I wouldn't leave you
(or any of your assorted ears) behind if I could help it emotion_c8
Zeny_V Report | 08/15/2015 6:46 pm
;u; *appreciates your gentleness* Oh nuh dass okai, it's mah gift to you after all, there's no need for an ear-exchange :^)
Awehh QuQ That sounds amasing redface I wish I could've done something half as great as that ;3;
Now that's what I'd call a celebration emotion_awesome
From what I know meteor showers aren't common, was it by chance you saw them? Or was it planned o.o
and wait, there was no drinkin' and drivin' involved, now was dere? D;
*is concerned about chur safety* ;-;
Zeny_V Report | 08/14/2015 3:13 pm
Mm, yas I'm glad, really glad ;u; ( That's mah ear btw, take chud care of et lol ) Ah, how was your birthday though? o3o What did'ya do? owo
Zeny_V Report | 08/13/2015 10:24 am
We wish you a merry birthday, we wish you a merry birthday, we wish you a merry birthdaaayyy~ and uhh...a happy new ear c: *Offers a severed ear as a present, just because* mrgreen

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-Emasculates everyone and becomes the warlord of eternal darkness while making everyone practice communism-


I always have the cheapest one of what ever item I am selling. Even if its in the stores.


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Load up your 6 shot baby!Put it to my head. . .Pull the trigger, blank I figured.Put it to me dead!

This is me in real life going down a slide upside down.