Shinyfire: read, write, breathe, sunburn <3

ShinyFire's avatar

Last Login: 11/06/2010 10:14 pm

Gender: Female

Birthday: 02/18/1993


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The crap I'm wearing (MINE!)


Who am I?

Name: Tori
Age: 16
Nicknames: Elio, b***h, iloveallstrangers
About me: I'm ******** obnoxious. But I have my moments...?
I like to write, read, doodle, laugh, scream, watch TV, go online, aimlessly wander Hartford, hang out in the library for hours by myself (half the time I don't even read or browse books), I am not grossed out by blood, but I hate spiders/centipedes, I hate and love school, my favorite color is green, I am wearing my favorite Mountain Dew pj pants as I write this, I love pj pants above all types of clothing, I wear too much make up, I like dressing ridiculously, I wear more accessories then you, I never match, if I don't under the music - I will like it more, you could probably influence me without putting in too much effort, I think more then I express, but I express A LOT, even though I am not articulate at all, I want to write a book, you are either going to find a reason to like me that is strong enough not to ignore, or you are going to ignore me, I am hyper and moody, I take five separate pillsspraysinhalents for my allergies, and I am bored with this slur of commas.
I bet I love you.

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Maybe it would be wise to put some shorties in here? :3

Indeed! A place for unloved shorties.

What people have to say to me

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XxneveralltogetherxX Report | 07/05/2010 2:44 pm
lol thank you
kochikochi kawaii Report | 10/27/2009 8:10 pm
kochikochi kawaii
oh my. only one more day of school this week. then the partay.
WolfPuzzler Report | 10/24/2009 8:08 pm
I got wolfy, uh, yesterday? And the update was from last week. Now, what it was about: The first dog I ever got was named Daisy. Mom, Zach, and I went to the Humane Society sometime before the divorce and got her. She was, as I said before, my first dog. It was from her that I learned the the absolute joy and unconditional love that comes from a dog. She was, to put it simply, our little girl; our baby. When Mom moved to Oklahoma, she took Daisy with her, since Daisy was Mom's dog, not Dad's. Anyway, last Saturday, Mom had told me that Daisy was hit by a car. She had died. Jim had found her a little ways down the road, I think. It may or may not seem ridiculous to you, but Daisy meant a lot to me. To us.
kochikochi kawaii Report | 10/15/2009 3:38 pm
kochikochi kawaii
yea me neither. my computer is stupid and it cant load gaia. i am forced to use my moms computer.
kochikochi kawaii Report | 09/28/2009 8:37 pm
kochikochi kawaii
Ugh my mice poop on everything
Zatropia Report | 09/25/2009 9:06 pm
Your avi is amazing, I must say. ;D
Triple Dare Report | 09/20/2009 9:04 am
Triple Dare
Your assumption is correct (although, as you've said, my profile and signature give very little room for any other premise).

And I'm happy to hear that you're of the same breed.

Would mind a friends invite?
Triple Dare Report | 09/20/2009 8:51 am
Triple Dare
Well, you've hit the nail on the head, actually. That frown is a trademark of mine--on all my accounts. And it means the same thing every single time: I'm disappointed in you, humanity. (Something along those lines.)

And thanks. You're the first one to get it.
twillums Report | 08/28/2009 8:10 pm
Haha, thanks. xD
Bite-sized Edwards lolol, haven't hear that before. xD
twillums Report | 08/28/2009 3:36 pm
Thanks for buying ^^


MTA <3

kochikochi kawaii

I can write anything I want?!