Shipwreck Potato

Shipwreck Potato's avatar

Last Login: 08/28/2012 3:30 pm

Registered: 06/20/2006

Gender: Female

Location: NJ

Occupation: Artist

Dream Avi

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Hey my name is Rachel. Ages ago I had a Gaia account and the whole shebang, but lost track due to school and plenty of other excuses I could name. Just trying this out again. Who knows how long I'll stay this time?

About me:
Let's start off that I'm going to be 21 soon (this month of July). I'm not sure what the average age on here is. When I was first on Gaia I was 15 I think. Now I'm getting old, time is flying, and I'm astound that it was 6 years ago! Wow!

The most important fact about myself is that I love to paint. I'm quite an artist at that. Not to brag but I've won a few awards and sold plenty of paintings. These awards are something that I hold very close to my heart. Just to know what I'm doing is enough to make others interested is beyond gratifying and also a reminder that whatever it is I'm doing, I'm doing it right! I also enjoy drawing, making collages, and creating anything really. I pursue several different styles of art but still sticking to the characteristic that defines me. So with that paragraph explaining about art I have to add that I'll be getting my BFA in a few years and in the years to come my MFA.

Now to make this clear. I stated that I am an artist. If you would like to see my actual work feel free to ask! In the future I hope to live in a city selling work. I love Philadelphia, New York, Vancouver, London...the list goes on




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Sharing Time

Whatever is on my mind.



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Arisawa Yukari Report | 03/21/2013 7:30 pm
Bwahahaha~~~ heart
xXSexi_Aphrodite92Xx Report | 07/03/2009 1:57 pm
Hey girly!! i haven't said hello to you in like forever!! Hows life? and yes still live near the cows. =]
Smallish-Beatle-Head Report | 03/27/2009 2:39 pm
You don't go on much, do you? I guess I will just have to get you on youtube *whistles and strolls along* ................ Anyway, if you do get this, whats up?
Smallish-Beatle-Head Report | 10/30/2008 1:34 pm
hey its XxBeatlesforeverxX miss you talk to you soon
Sweet_Mayfair Report | 10/05/2008 10:49 am
hey remember me i used to be maja16 now im maja92 add me lol i got banned on my other account for no reason lol moo!!!(^-^)
Pocky_Faireex3 Report | 06/18/2008 2:18 pm
Rachie-el. HAI! xD
LadyMadonna7 Report | 06/10/2008 6:09 pm
User Image User Image User Image User Image
LadyMadonna7 Report | 06/03/2008 6:51 pm
We have so much in common.... too much to mention...Im so adding are beatlelious
Smallish-Beatle-Head Report | 06/03/2008 7:51 am
hi rachel? yay think i founds you lol ok.........friends me!
The Zodikosis Report | 05/25/2008 9:00 am
Chyea, in Atlantic City, that's veeeeeeeerry far from here. User Image


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"You've lost so much. What if I can't make up for that?"
If you know which movie my sig is from, I love you.
One of the many line drawings I've made.