
Name : Shirley Fennes
Age : 15
Weight : 41 kg / 90 lbs.
Height : 154 cm / 5"1
Race : Ferines
Teriques : Shining Blue
Occupation :
Merines (= "Shining One")
Family :
Stella (older sister)
Residence : Werites Beacon
Fighting Style : Crystal Eren
Weapon : Quills, Pens
Mascot : Bunny
Current Title : Cutie Pie
Current Mood : Happy
Status : Single

Possible Spoilers Ahead
I worked really hard on all this information, that I personally typed out myself. Please do not copy and paste for your own cosplay profile. You can use the Tales wifi for that.~

I'm very pleased to meet you all who traveled far and wide to come to here and learn about me. I am Shirley. My true name is Fennes, meaning "one who prays". I'm described as a calm, quiet, and delicate. Though I am shy, once you get to know me I can be playful and joke around too. I can also sometimes have a bit of a jealous side when it comes to certain subjects, such as Senel. I adore all animals and nature. I'm also kinda frail but I wont let that slow me down. Even though I am allergic to ocean water and even sea breezes. When I am in the water my hair turns shining blue. As you can see, I'm quite stubborn and when I reach a decision on a course of action, I'm almost nearly impossible for you to tell me otherwise.

Many believe I am well rather weak, please let me explain. During the main journey of Senel's friends, I was pretty shy and quiet towards them all. I only wanted to speak with Senel. Due to losing all my powers from the failure of my first Rite of Ascension, I wasn't able to fight and because of this I couldn't protect myself, resulting in me being kidnapped numerous times.

My first kidnapping was by, who is now our friend, Moses. He thought I could give him eres. Before Senel and the others who reach me, I was taken away again. This time by Walter, a childhood friend of mine. He was originally supposed to be the leader of my personal guard before...well...certain events occurred. Senel hunted down Walter and eventually was able to secure me with him. Walter however, he vowed he would return then flew off. Happy to be back with Senel again, I didn't except to be kidnapped shortly afterward...

When I was kidnapped by a mad mad named Vaclav Bould, I saw how horribly my people were being treated. I felt horrible because my village gave their lives to protect me and all I did was run and not look back. I met another Ferines by the name of Fenimore in the dungeon where they kept me. She believed one day the Merines would come free us. I could not help but feel useless and powerless. When she discovered I was the Marines, she scolded me for not being there to save my people and being a worthless Marines. I knew that was true. Throughout that time, I tried to protect Fenimore to show I wasn't going to run away anymore.

It turned out Vaclav had taken my sister Stella this whole time. Senel and me thought she was dead. He kept her barely alive for all these years. He planned on using her and me to fire the Nerifes Cannon. I tried to stop it with all my might, but I couldn't do anything. Senel and his friends came to save us but the cannon was fired. Stella used her teriques to stop the cannon from reaching the main land. In result she ended up killing her teriques. I used my brooch to keep her alive long enough to let her speak her final words to Senel and me.


After a series of events that occurred during the time I was kidnapped and Senel's rejection of my affections towards him, I realized I had a duty to my people and needed to fulfill that role. In result when the time came, I went through the rite once more and I became the Merines. During the rite, soldiers from the mainland attacked and killed some of my people, including my dear friend Fenimore. When I regained my powers, I resisted and attacked. I apparently appeared to posses a much colder personality, to the point where even my own voice comes off as being rather monotone. I sought to bring a new age to my people, though the spirit of Nerifes made my guidance and thoughts become twisted. Little did I know, my body and mind was taken over by Nerifes. However I ended up letting myself willingly be taken over.

The spirit of Nerifes was going to make me create the Cataclysm. Which would result in covering the world in the water, the way it was originally in ancient times. In order to kill all the people of land. Luckily Senel and his...no...our friends, came to save me. When he tried to speak with me I wouldn't let him and kept doing light harm to keep him away from me, but he kept getting back up and trying to reach out to me. I almost struck down Senel, untill I was able to take control of Nerfies. Though the Leader of the Ferines, Maurits was outraged by my "betrayal", he decided to try and take my place. Though he couldn't handle the power and Senel and our friends defeated him.

After the battle, we stood at the top of the tower of the Wings of Light. Senel ended up falling off the edge because of his injuries. I jumped into the ocean after him. In this result, I ended up in taking part of the Rite of Feriyen (= the Ferines wedding proposal ritual). I shall admit, I always loved Senel...In that moment we were then engaged.

Even after that point of engagement, I could tell Chloe still had feelings for Senel. Though it took me some time to confront her about this matter. After I did, she admitted everything to me. Sure, I was a bit upset that she didn't tell me before. However after we spoke for awhile, we finally became good friends. She told me she wasn't going to leave Senel's side, but she knows the only girl in Senel's eyes is myself.

Even after all this was over, black mist started appearing on the Legacy. The monsters became more violent and stronger. I will not allow this to carry on! I must try my best for everyone. Somehow we will find a way. I swear on it.

On another light note and to share some other information. My friends like to give me nick names. Norma likes to call me "Shirl" and "Jen-Chan" and I call her "Gnoma". I use Norma's nick name for Chloe too. All three of us have become great friends! I enjoy Grune's company too, we plant all sorts of flowers together in the garden. As for Moses, he calls me his "Lamb". Please don't call me by these names, considering that Norma and Moses might get very upset. Besides it would feel odd if anyone else called me by those names anyway. I am also the only person who knows about Jay's biggest secret. Of course I wont tell anyone about it though because, I trust him...and I want him to be able to trust me too.

Some of the information will be somewhat of a repeat from the last few paragraphs from above. I'm sorry, but that's how it turned out.

- Senel Coolidge -

I considered him my brother for so long, but I knew my feelings for him were deeper than that. We went through so much together and to this day I thank the wheels of fate that I met him. No matter what happens between us, he will always be my first love and the first boy I gave up everything in my life for.

- Walter Delques -

The man who was entrusted as my guardian since childhood. Even though he has a strong hate towards Orerines and disapproves of my actions most of the time, I still see him as a good friend of mine. He has put his life on the line for my safety multiple times. To this day I will be there for him, try to open his eyes to a new view of the world. Orerines and Fernies can live alongside one another.

- Jay the Unseen -

Though Jay and me barely ever spoken to each other, I felt we really had a connection or things in common somewhere. He would rarely ever look at me and if we did, he'd quickly look away. After he kidnapped me due to events in his past that came back upon the surface, I saw first hand on how much he must have suffered like me. I found out some of his deepest secrets and his secret wish. I wont tell anyone about this wish because I trust in him and I want him to trust in me too.

- Chloe Valens -

At first Chloe and me were...well...jealous of each other. Both of us had feelings for Senel however we couldn't face one another and talk about it. It took us a long time to finally speak and clear things up with her. She had realized that her feelings for him were one-sided and that the girl in Senel's eyes was not her. Afterwards we became great friends, I call her "C" after Norma's nick name for her. We share secrets and we're great friends now.

- Will Raynard -

I see Will as a father figure. I never go one day without learning something from him about gardening or monsters. He likes to scold those he is really close to, when he first scolded me with his famous "Will Bonk" I was really happy. I felt as though I apart of the group. I thank him for being like a father towards me.

- Harriet Cambell -

Will's nine-year-old daughter, Harriet. She looks up to me like a sister and she is usually following me around. I enjoy her company. Even though her cooking is something awful, I'm sure she'll improve...hopefully Will and the other boys don't get too sick from her forcing her food down their throats...

- Norma Beatty -

I like Norma for her cheerful personality and how bouncy she can be. Though she does tend to take sides on situations, like the issue with Senel between Chloe and myself. Her, Chloe and me have become just a trio of friends having a big laugh together. I enjoy spending time with her as well. I even gave her the nick name "Gnoma" and she calls me "Shirl" or "Jen-Chan".

- Moses Sandor -

I find Moses to be a very funny guy once I got to know him. I was very fearful of him at first due to him kidnapping me after moments I came onto the Legacy. He likes to make jokes and Jay would have comebacks for him. It's always fun to watch. Moses thinks of me as family and calls me his "Lamb".

- Grune -

I admire her innocence and carefree personality. We love to garden and plant seeds together. Though we never got into any serious conversations, we enjoy each others company and sing our little planting song together. I will never forget her and I will always hold her dear to me just like my sister Stella and Fenimore.

My Close Friends/Family
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