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Rinny_chan's avatar

Report | 02/03/2007 6:54 pm


There's absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to win, dear. Haahah.

Man! I still feel so bad for Femmie. D; Like, she never comes out and says it, probably because she really does know that I only like boys, but she still follows me around all the time, and always chases me and drags me around with her at lunch. I mean, I adore her, but..D;
So, how was that movie? The Farce of the Penguins? Good? Haha.
Well, anyways, I'm really sleepy, so I'm off to bed. Nighty night, my love.
kuroikoneko13's avatar

Report | 02/03/2007 1:00 pm


Yeah I know the outfits should be really cute. Oh yeah well i'll leave them unlocked for you. Just to warn you head of time I have tutorials on tuesday.

oh yeah I totally kicked butt >.< jk but i did win both matches and get gold. got a nice axe kick too. I felt bad but i wanted to win.
Rinny_chan's avatar

Report | 02/02/2007 10:32 am


I didn't even think to see if they were unlocked, because I just assumed they would be unlocked while you were at school. And, I guess because you're usually outside at a certain time, I didn't know what to do. I waited out there for a while and then that piercing guy completely turned into a jackass to me. I asked if he had a cell phone and he turned his head and acted like he didn't hear or know who the hell I was. I was like, wtf? All I wanted was to borrow a cell phone from someone I semi-knew. =/
But, anyways, I looked around some of te classes I knew you had to see if you had tutorials, and by the time I went back out there to see if you had come, you had left. =[ I should have put my backpack where you would have been forced to see it, instead of trying to semi-protect it from the rain. ((It would have been soaked either way...I think you may have ran over it. xD)) Oh, yeah. I left school early today because I'm getting really sick. (Ew.) So, I'll call you and let you know at 2:30, and I'll keep you updated on tomorrow and the tournament.
I really hope Mr. Joshua P. Homo is able to come to Anime Matsuri! It will be so cool. I can't wait to see the designs for our outfits! I Can't Wait Until They're MADE! Meep! >////<
kuroikoneko13's avatar

Report | 02/02/2007 4:44 am


Oh yeah and Josh's comment wasn't meant to be hidden. I thought his black background was in the speech bubbles too.
kuroikoneko13's avatar

Report | 02/01/2007 7:02 pm


my car was unlocked...you could have waited there...or you could have stayed out in the yard. It's not that hard to find me after school. I always take the same route every day. I come down the stairs at the front of the school by the offices with alec then I talk to Alec for a min then I talk to Josh all oustide the offices. Then head back through the Cafeteria to the parking lot. Next time just try my car. I'll probably leave it unlocked at school just in case. But I couldn't find you. I was just a couple of min later than usual cause josh and I were discussing the outfits for Anime Matsuri. BTW I think I convinced him to go with us. I think he's planning on dressing up as well. I told him pink and black maid outfits with white aprons. I discribed the aprons to us and told him to run the designs through us before he starts.
Rinny_chan's avatar

Report | 02/01/2007 2:54 pm


Ooooh, such a secretive message to Josh. xD
And, ewww at the Brandon thing. D; Well, I don't know freshman Brandon, but still.
I'm so used to calling you Jazzy, I don't think it will ever be anything else. It's tough for me to even call you Sora all the time around Lauren. xD Hahahaha. She says it funny. It's cute, but it's weird. =/
Woah, today after school sucked so bad. I went out there by your car and didn't see you (I waited for a while), so I decided to go back in and look for you, but I left my backpack out there by your car so you would know I was there and such, but when I went back out there from looking for you inside, your carwas gone and my backpack was a few feet away soaking wet. Now three of out Hana-Kimi's are pretty screwed up. So, anyways, after that I was locked out of the school, so I couldn't go and call my mom, and so I walked home. I was in my neighborhood by the time she drove up. Now I am miserable. D; My nose is running, I have a migrane, and I've been coughing. D; So, no garuantees on school tomorrow. I was really lucky that femmie (Amber) let me wear her coat. It helped *so* much. She's such a sweetie.
Anyways, my mom told me you were worried about me, but I'm okay. ^ ^;;
kuroikoneko13's avatar

Report | 01/31/2007 8:28 pm


I haven't seen the hair. Haven't gotten around to it yet. Wow today was crazy. >.< I feel like I'm running around all over the place and just barely by luck making everything. You know how I said I wouldn't have anough gas to make it to the house then back to Laurens? Well I stayed at Laurens and then later went home to get gas money from my mom and to the gas station. I ran out right when I pulled up. That was so lucky. Wow. I also took freshman Brandon to the Dojang with Lauren and me. I don't know why but he seemed to like watching. Anyways he's going back tomorrow. I was pretty impressed with him. After sparring class Lauren and I were practicing our breaking and we had him try and he even broke the black belt board the first time. It was neat. ewww but when I was saying bai to him he kissed me. Thanks god it was only on the cheek. >.> Geez. What is with me lately. Two different Brandon's like me and quiet a few other people. Oh yeah and Tyshi called me. It was so random. He called me Jazzy. Aww it was cute. Surprisingly I haven't been called that in a while. It was weird. For the first time I realised people had stopped calling me that. More and more people call me Jasmine. It's weird though. That was Josh's thing. It made me feel special when he would call me Jasmine instead of Jazzy or Jazz. Now only you call me Jazzy. Lauren, you, and freshmen Brandon call me Sora well and Megumi. And Alec pretty much only calls me Jazz. But yeah anyways now for a comment for Josh.

I love you so much Joshie-poo. *kisskisskiss* I miss you too. Oh yeah if I had to choose between you coming here for my b-day and you being at Anime Matsuri I say come here for my birthday. >.< We could have lots of fun and go out to Sushi or something.
Rinny_chan's avatar

Report | 01/30/2007 6:57 pm


OMG I LOVE THE NEW GAIA HAIRSTYLES! All of them are really cute. x3 My outfit right now is pretty simple, but I still like it. What do you think? There's one hairstyle that looks a lot like Lumiere's, only it has those curls on both sides. =/
kuroikoneko13's avatar

Report | 01/28/2007 7:37 am


LOL what happened with the dog was he was chasing his ball and he chased it under the table then lifted his head up and banged it on the table. lol. It was funny. What a dumb doggy. Yeah Box and Page are my favs >.< I even kinda like the crazy bad guy. BTW I want a pair of stealth cat ears >.< those were so cool. And I already knew Brandon liked me, I've thought that for a long time I just didn't know if he would ever act on it or not. It caught me totally off guard and niether Chelsea or Lauren warned me. Oh yeah Chelsea this weekend is at a church thing with her friend Logan and some other girl. They'll be back sometime to day....I'm hungry. Oh and I'm about to go join your shower cause lauren wants to take one too and we won't have enough time if we all take separate ones.
Rinny_chan's avatar

Report | 01/27/2007 12:09 pm


It wouldn't let me leave such a long message, so here's the last half of the comment. ^ ^

Oh, and I've been wondering...where is Chelsea? o_o;; I haven't seen her since I got here. Is she at a friends? Speaking of at a friends! When I was babysitting yesterday, I tought Kassidy about gaming! ^ ^ She's getting good at Donkey Kong. Before, she would leave all the secrets and such behind, without caring, but towards the end I got her to get all the secrets and bonuses without me even having to remind her! She even figured out how to use both the characters at once, etc. Pretty impressive for a first grader whose never played it before, huh? o_o I was like, "Omg! She's going to be a gamer like me!!" I'm so excited to be a bad influence on her and bring her to the dark side--she will be an otaku! Otaku unite!! Teehee. Okay, well at least we aren't as bad as the people on Akihibara@DEEP. ((I told you Box-kun was the best! He's totally my favorite. I fell in love with him as soon as I saw him following the Otaku-chase in the first episode. When he was bouncing and spinning, etc. xD God, I LOVE HIM!))
Hey, Josh has a really weird default font on his page that makes it all big and red...think I can change the size and color? I want to try it, because I hate reading big font!! ((The reason why everything on my computer is so darn small and annoying for you--haha!))
Rinny_chan's avatar

Report | 01/27/2007 12:07 pm


Wow, that sucks. I told you he liked you. I'm glad you won't be able to go though. Like, it would have just turned out really, really badly when you think about it. =[ You should tell him how you really feel, but I don't know how he will take it, and you still want to be his friend. Man, you aren't even always particularly nice to him and still he likes you! xD Right after throwing Sprite and water on him?! What a loon. =/
Haha. No body would be surprised if he *was* gay. A lot of people lready think so anyways. But, then, Lauren would probably start liking him! *just kidding, Momo-chan* Hahahahah!
Ooooh! I wish I could somehow get enough cash for the show, but I know for sure I won't be able to. But, Josh wants me to be a model in his first show late spring! Can you believe it?! I'm so excited. But, I'm not sure if he is seriousl or not. =[ Do you think he really wants me to be? He also wants Anya to be in it. I think she'd look better and all that because of her body, but I really want to be in it. Damn, I wish there was someway for me to know! xD
He's really good though. Like, I think he actually has a chance of making it. ^ ^!! Don't you think so, too? Gee willikers, what are you guys laughing about in there, and why did the dog yelp like that?!? It sounded like the poor baby was hurt. ;_; Be nice!
kuroikoneko13's avatar

Report | 01/27/2007 11:47 am


Yeah well you are behind me know. But the door tonight will be fun. I'm also excited about the fashion show. Oh and I feel so bad about Brandon. Apparentally he has been contemplating asking me to the dance since we went to Arc en Ciel. That was forever ago. I feel really bad. But I can't afford a dress and frankly I really don't want to go with him. >.> It's getting kind of creepy. He really seems to like me. He even wanted to pick out a vest and tie to match my dress. I really don't want to go. But now that I am going with Josh to the fashion show and the tickets are so expensive I won't have money for a dress and I'll have an excuse. But yeah I really wish Brandon was gay or something. I only like him as a friend and it's really creepy that he likes me. Btw when he asked me last night it was right after i dumped my bottle of water and my sprite on him. >.> Why won't he give up on me. I really don't like him to try to tickle me all the time. I don't like him touching me and he won't take a hint. What is it about me with him? What did I do? My god! So yeah anyways do you remember who the designer was at the show?
Rinny_chan's avatar

Report | 01/26/2007 7:55 pm


Yeah. Silly Americans. D; But, the English were the ones you originally dubbed the first one anyways. It's probably a big hit there, huh? Luckyyy. I hope we can get it some day!

OMG! Finally! How far did you guys get? I told you it was an amazing show! Hahahah~ It gets so random towards the end. Who do you like best so far? I love them all so much! Even the sadistic man with a chronic sweet-tooth. xD I can't believe they love it! I'm so excited to introduce more people to it! (Even though you did the introducing, it's still pretty darn awesome to find new fans.)
Yeah. We should definately hang out tomorrow. I would say go to the arcade, but all I have is seven dollars from babysitting, and quite frankly, I don't want to spend it. I need to save it for more important things like 'cons. And any little bit helps with that!
kuroikoneko13's avatar

Report | 01/26/2007 1:59 pm


OH! So that's why! We need to get it! I really love that game. Americans are so stupid they give up too easily on something just because it's hard. Oh yeah I got twitch and Brandon to watch Akihabara@Deep with me today in 4th prd. >.< They loved it. But geez it seems like this is the weekend for people to want to do stuff with me. Jacob (in my french class) asked me to go with him to the movies tomorrow. >.> With jimmy cox and that whole group...i told him maybe...i dont think i will. and then brandon keeps begging me to hang out with him and jason also wanted to hang out. I think what i am going to do is spend the night with lauren tonight and go to the arcade then hopefully tomorrow at your place.
Rinny_chan's avatar

Report | 01/26/2007 1:15 pm


YAY SIREN!!! Haahha. Oh, and I found out some stuff about Siren 2. Since it didn't sell well in the states, Forbidden Siren 2 probably won't come to the states--ever. And if it does, it won't be for a long time. D;

BUT! I think it's already been translated and was released in the UK, so maybe there is still a possibility of getting it. That would be so awesome! I guess Europeans understand games like that more.
Most people dislike it because of it's difficulty. That makes me sad. ;__;

But, yeah, that sounds like fun. Keep me updated and all that jazz. (Pun intended.)
kuroikoneko13's avatar

Report | 01/26/2007 4:44 am


Yeah Lauren said they did. Makes me happy I have Mr.Bushland. He lets me do whatever. >.< But yeah no clue what to do this weekend I have no money. I'm probably gonna spend the night at Laurens today after school. So maybe Saturday we can stay up late playing siren or something
Rinny_chan's avatar

Report | 01/26/2007 4:18 am


Cool! Do the videos work?! Man, it makes me wish I had a different computer class! >_<;; Ms. Arundale is so strict about what we access, and now our class covers only half of the room, so she can easily look around. xP Oh well, maybe she'll loosen up around exam time, eh?
Anyways, I've got to babysit today after school from 3:30 to 8:00, because Tonja's aunt died. =[ But, on the bright side, I can just pop a movie in for them and make them do their homework (they aren't allowed on the computer.) and they'll be fine. They're easy kids.
But, yeah. What should we do this weekend?
kuroikoneko13's avatar

Report | 01/25/2007 8:11 pm


*access crunchy roll

Oh yeah (to josh)
I love you! *Kiss* You are so cute >.<
kuroikoneko13's avatar

Report | 01/25/2007 7:45 pm


Oh yeah also you can acess cruncy roll at school!!!!
kuroikoneko13's avatar

Report | 01/25/2007 7:43 pm


Lol wow I fell asleep during it and still had time to finish. Lol. well Thursday School was boring Lauren and I both just drew the whole time. Tell her to show you my chris/jacob cartoon. lol. >.< It's so them. And yeah the tourny will be fun. Lauren's mom agreed to let her do it so both of us will be sparring and breaking.
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