The Basics

First of all, feel free to send friend requests, I accept most.. unless you seem like the stalker type, but even then I'll probably accept! ;D

I'll lay out the basics for ya:

- Most call me Joe, but I wont down turn other names you can come up with.
- I try to keep active, but I also have procrastination issues and spend lots of time online
- I look a bit like my avatar, but I have a bit shorter hair, and it obviously doesn't stick up like that naturally. Plus, I don't wear a suit everyday, that would be rather weird.
- I live in California, more north though, so don't ask if I live near celebrities, or I might have to hit you.
- I'm a huge hockey fan, Go Sharks!
- I get distracted easily, but I don't have ADD or anything. I think it's just to get away from other things boggling my mind.
- I'm 14 years old, and turn 15 in August. Considering I don't update this much, I should say I'm born in 1994
- I am in the 9th grade, fresh meat!
- I have a twin sister, she is younger by 11 minutes. We get along pretty well, though we have our differences. No, she doesn't play Gaia
- Lastly, I actually enjoy reading. No, you didn't read that bit wrong, I do enjoy reading. I don't have favorites, but give me a suggestion to read and I might do so smile

If you have any questions or suggestions to add here, just say so!

Btw: Even if it says I'm online, I might not really be at my computer
And, I also tend to forget to check comments so pm's are better for me