
ΒΆ Hello and welcome to my Profile page. I aplogize for its scantness, but I didn't feel as though I needed to leave my profile all doll'd up if I wasn't going to continue visiting GaiaOnline. That's right. I'm leaving. I've grown bored of GaiaOnline and have decided to detach myself from it completely. I've decided to drop the online relations bit and go out and live life even more. I can't do that worrying about whether or not i'll be able to earn some prestige here on Gaia-- Or any other online community for that matter. So, this is it. I extend thanks to all of those few Gaians who made my Gaia Experience a bit more enjoyable. I'm going to log-off shortly after submitting this. Once more sometime later to give out my items and gold. That's all. Thank you.

- ShowTime`, RunawayNoob