
Shy-Beawr's avatar

Birthday: 10/31


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Hey! I'm Ava! I'm sorta shy, and don't be surprised if I randomely disapear. My computer messes up a lot... not sure why. I guess if you wanna know more, check out my interests and such... or PM me, and ask! xD


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Sh33p in W0lfs Cl0thing Report | 07/12/2011 8:27 am
Sh33p in W0lfs Cl0thing
I miss you, Alex, and Jameson~~~ *sobsob* where be you at?
Marc Gosgosh Report | 04/20/2011 11:48 pm
Marc Gosgosh
nah, not really but i must get one bacause i have to pay the school for my driver`s license by my own...and with nearly 19 i should starting to get my @55 moved to the driving school rolleyes

i m also interested in at least 2 other languages, but i m way to lazy to learn them (japanese and russian)
Marc Gosgosh Report | 04/20/2011 4:05 am
Marc Gosgosh
aye, but german is a very difficult language ^_^ you can ask my classmates, they will tell you mrgreen (because even after 12 years of speaking and writing in german some arent ...."clever"....enough to write 2 sentences without mistakes (grammar etc) || and the tenses -.- well, better dont try to learn it, its more work then fun rolleyes )

sounds, that you in america have more school-years then we in germany stare a standardized/uniformed schoolsystem in the whole world would be a great idea, i think ^_^

well and taking math as my oral exam is not a smart idea just because i can speak 3 different languages (german=good/english=half-half/french="mal" ^_^) -> it was the only reasonable choise
after the 10th year you can choose (like in america) to leave school and start work or go in the "oberstufe". at this point (if you choose the 2nd possibility) you have to choose another time: what will be my main subjects (history-art|||history-english|||biology-chemistry) and my "leistungskurse" (there are 2 types of curses: leistungskurs means way more work and will be (100%) a subject for your abitur; grundkurse make nearly the same things as a leistungskurs but not so much in detail and with less work (they CAN be part of your abitur, but they neednt be)
i chose boilogy-chemistry (because the teacher told me that i would fit perfect in there) and english as my leistungskurs (that was surprising -> everyone expected me to take math because they all say i m the math-god...this might be right or wrong, i dont comment this anymore) so my first 2 subjects will be biology and english
3rd will be history (because we need to fill 3 "subjectcircles" -> sciences, a language and a "society-sciene" (like history; sry, i dont know the right word for that confused )
so all "subjectcircles" are full and the 4th, the verbal exam, is chooseable -> i took maths because i think i m good enough to pass it (not because i can speak 3 languages; the exam is in german-> i will get a task, then i have 20 minutes to solve the task and 10 minutes to present my solution on the board while 3 teachers stare at me... mrgreen poor teachers twisted

btw: can you speak any other languages then english?
Marc Gosgosh Report | 04/19/2011 4:00 am
Marc Gosgosh
thx, in germany we say "man muss halt prioritäten setzen" which means "you have to set priorities" wink

and this dance-style counts least you have to stay in the beat or to stay totally off-beat (well, kinda hard to explain in english sweatdrop )

yay for getting better *hug*

and i dont go to college -> we in germany have something called "gymnasiale oberstufe" what is nearky the same. it lasts 3 years and in the 3rd year we have 4 exams (3x 4 hours of writing and 1x20 minutes of speaking; that means: exmas in 4 chooseable subjects)
if we pass these exams, we get our "abitur" and are allowed to study
well, i have chosen english, biology and history as my writing exams and maths as my speaking exam (hopefully that was not a bad idea ^^)

what have you to do on college? i was never in america and quite dont get some things of your school system ^^
Marc Gosgosh Report | 04/17/2011 2:30 am
Marc Gosgosh
and how have you been? 3nodding
Marc Gosgosh Report | 04/17/2011 2:29 am
Marc Gosgosh
i ve been fine, thx. yeah, long time not seen...i have much to do in school now so gaia had to be cut short confused

i started with cybergoth in fabruary this year, mainly by the try to learn this industrial dance biggrin well, i m not really good but still good enough to dance in a near industrial disco without making everyone laugh ^^
Marc Gosgosh Report | 04/16/2011 6:41 am
Marc Gosgosh
hey ava, are you now in the industrial scene too? ^^ your avi looks really hot biggrin
ssg_mason10tube Report | 02/25/2011 3:34 pm
you want 100000000 gold then copy/paste this on ten gaia profiles and press f4 then log out and log back in and check your gold!!!!!!!it really works!!!!!!!!
caligirlll Report | 11/16/2010 7:17 pm
awww nice to meet u gurl
im doin good how about u
caligirlll Report | 11/15/2010 8:32 pm
ooooo mmm gggg i remember now lol my name is nunu



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Ah! You guys! MY birthday isn't until November 19th! I'm sorry! D=


fake friends:never ask for food (Hmm... food for thought)
true friends:are the reason you have no food (Grrr...)
fake friends:call your parents Mr/Mrs. (Bleh!)
true friends:call your parent mom/dad (haha, totally do)
fake friends:bail you outa jail and tell you what you did was wrong (Thanks, mom. I know.)
true friends:would sit next to you saying "damn... we messed up... but that s**t was fun!" (haha, totally!)
fake friends:never seen you cry
true friends:cry with you (true)
fake friends:borrow your stuff for a few days then give it back (Well...)
true friends:keep your s**t for so long they forget its even yours (...Nah. I want my stuff back, sooo... ya.)
fake friends:know few things about you
true friends:could write a book about you with direct quotes from you (0_0)
fake friends:will leave you behing if thats wat the crowd is doing (duh.)
true friends:will kick the whole crowds a** for leaving you (Awww!)
fake friends:would knock on your front door (Well then I've gotta lot of those)
true friends:walk right in and say "IM HOME!" (Nope. They do both)
fake friends:will take your drink away wen they think youve had enough (Hmm...probably. But it's appreciated)
true friends:will look at you stumbling all over the place and say "b***h drink the rest of that you know we dont waste s**t!" (Haha, that too!)
fake friends:will talk s**t to the person who talks s**t to you
true friends:knock them the ******** out! (Ouch.)
fake friends:will read this
true friends:will steal this like i did (I just like this)