
Name: Sid Quinton
Sexuality: Gay
Dislikes: Hos, homophobes, assholes, your mom, v****a
Likes: Penors, sex, candy, coffee, sushi, anime, music, Yaoi, visual kei, martial arts, DDR, Renji


M'names Sid Quinton, most people call me Quinton. [/nerd] >____>' I'm gay, but I'm not a flaming f**... Seeing as how that's a cigarette anyhow. But seriously, you won't be seein' any of that Jefree Star or Chris Crocker s**t with me.

I'M GAY NOT A ********' WOMAN DAMNIT. There's a difference. D8< I didn't go gay just so I could ******** trap-guys who like like hos. Though I'm not into the buff, bodybuilder type either.

I do like rainbows and cute things however... *cough* >///<

And don't think just cuz I'm gay I can't kick your a**!

Anyways, I'm kind of nerdy. I like anime and all that other otaku s**t. I <3 DDR. I'm kind of a trekkie too, but keep that to yourself. =3=

And that's me bitches. Love me hate, hate me, or don't give a damn it's all good.