
I have returned to gaia!

http://www.gaiaonline.com/badge/6452833/?_gaia_mkt_=410 <-----this is how i normally look.

Bokuwa Imouto ni Koi wo Suru!!!!!!

^Most of you would call me a sick b*****d for this if you know what it says

(I refuse to use kanji or other then names at the moment)
みんしゅうわがし、わたしわ ブロックです(でも、すき しょう ろっく)
じゅうろくさいです。オハイオ すむで。わたしのしすたしょうですマイア(かのじょ じゅうしさいです)。すきびでおゲームそしてにきものわゲームェノサガです。しかしすきわTri-Aceゲームにもよ!にほんごがすこしはなせますでもパーフェクトですじゃない。

I will put something in korean eventually when i stop being lazy XD, i really want to do it but im not good with using particles in korean yet but i can still get by with a few sentences XP

(old news)
Korea was nice with my dad for the weekend i guess but eh well im not a easily impressed person so it was no different from when i visited japan a few times. anyway translation of what i mostly said is down here.

Well my names is Brock and im 16(actually 17 razz ) years old and obviously in highschool(senior year woot!), I live in ohio(yes it kinda sucks) and I also have a sister named Maia who is 14(16) about to be 15(17) and she also has(had) a Gaia.

Well I like to play games and my favorite over all is Xenosaga so if you like that then your automatically my freind. I also Like allot of Tri-Ace games as well so if your fammiliar with them then we could talk about that as well. I ABSOLUTLEY HATE NARUTO!!! but if you like it thats fine and im still willing to be your freind(just dont talk to me about it).

My favorte hobbie is Writting, im currently still working on my Sword of Swords series and im about on the 4th season now(WOW THATS ALLOT RIGHT!!!) I also am making another series called Celestial saga. If you like to Write to then im very willing to talk to you about that aswell.

I have a Guild Known as Beyound heaven and it is still in its develobment process but its geting up a bit soif you like to help and be made a member then please contact me.(it failed so ignore this)

Languages I can speak(learning/want to learn):

English: Most Native language

Korean:learning/know a bit(not fluent)

Japanese:sorta of a native language(decently fluent/not good with slang)

French:know some(not fluent)

Latin:Want learn it(will be next year)

Greek:Want to learn it(have no idea when)

Top 10 favorite games:
1:Xenosaga(whole series) <------Turns out I like Digital devil saga more
2 biggrin igital Devil Saga(whole series)
3:Breath of Fire V biggrin ragon Quarter(Allot of ppl dont like this one)
4 razz ersona 3(4 is better)
5:Valkyrie Profile(Both)
6:Unlimited Saga(allot of people Hated this one)
7:Star ocean(Whole series)(star ocean 4 sucked)
8:Radiatta stories
9:Legend of Zelda:Twilight Princess & Majora's mask
8:Skies of Arcadia
9:Super smash brothers(all)
10 razz hantasy Star(the old sega ones)

little more about me(fammily details if your curious):

I'm mixed with Black,Japanese,Korean(and some white some were in there think?)

I have two well i guess Asian ancestors(well I wouldn't call them "ancestors" necessarily, there furthest back i know about is my great grandmother is half korean((Dads side)) she is also half Japanese and my Real grandfather on my ((moms side)) was also japanese but i think he was mixed with white too cant remember (though I never met him and neither has my mom)

I have lost allot of respect for the Japanese(not that i had much) in the recent years for a few reason that i will state on this profile >_>

Well thats about all I have to write about myself so hope u decide to be my freind and also hope you like my profile even if its not that good lol.

Current worth of avatar:1,310,765 Gold (can change depending on what items i have equipped, but this is the maximum based on all my best items put together)

Yeah actually pretty much everything I own is worthless now since ive been away for so long price in most of my items have gone dowm.

Now please Enjoy the many pictures and images I have

These are all old and I dont even really draw like this anymore, but im too lazy to change all of these, besides i still like some of them. (:

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This is Nadia and Rokku on there way to school. I like they way i had there outfits colored looks less cliche to me.(yes there borther and sister, no incest between these two though) Oh and Nadia is the Big sister and usually a pretty serious girl most of the time and really smart. Rokku's a bit more carefree but still serious when he needs to be. oh and those brown things there holding in the back are swords wrapped up

Coloring done by: Brit1989

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Somewhat aviart but threw in some of my own stuff as well

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[NEW!!!]Another Genetic form of Brock lol but more correct(except wings) I like it except for the feet mabey? I hope to get it colored.

User Image[NEW!!!]This is Nadia Again except in her Adult look, kind like the one i had up here before except way better I think.

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[NEW!!!!]Here another one of her(I have two more but you may not like those as much)

User ImageThis is lenneth from my other story "Outlier"

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Normally I don't put the comics way up here but since its a new one, I will for now and I will put Text in it soon, but for now just enjoy the picture itself XD. all it is is Nadia(Again) training with her Dad. Pretty Cliche I know, but its just a side thing anyway nothing really Story related.

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This is Brock in his Genetic form(some people just say hes me which I guess is pretty true so I don't really mind XD)Now this form gets real technical so i wont go into details, but i will say this much.....IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH DEMONS BEING CURSED TO BE DEMON OR HAVING A DEMON SOUL AND ALL THAT OTHER EXTREAMLY OVERRATED CRAP!! one las thing...I do admit i find something a bit strange about the legs i was almost thinking it would look cool if i edited them out those how it would look but yeah the legs look a bit strange to me but i still think its a cool pic.

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another pic of maia lol I know XDDD but i cant help it I LOVE HER!!!!! this is really the more final design of her A.H.O Uniform, the last pic was just something else really, one thing about this pic though is that she looks a little to serious then i really have her personality at, I also notice a few errors in the hands but no big deal I still like it XDDDD(just cause its Maia XDDD)

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Sprites were done by my friend Amanda aka Andy-rev.

User Image This WAS The summon spirit of lightning Murakumo(ofcourse from my story) But he no longer exist anymore and neither do summon spirirts however the concept of them still do, they are now named "Vectors"(still temporary) and the
replacement for Murakumo is a "Vector" named "Indra"(PM for more details if your intrested).

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[NEW!!!!] I stuck this other pic of her down here instead of the top so it wouldnt make it look so repetitive, plus its not as good but i still like it.

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Now heres Naomi when shes about 17(to 19) shes
less of a tomboy now and more of a hot head but has a real weakness when it come to her Dad(she begins to act like a dadies girl again) or Rokku(but with him its more of a hang out thing) Anyway in this i know the stool is kinda random i nthis pic XD but i dont it dosent bother me XD, This outffit is sorta her A.H.O uniform(but not really a uniform she just wears it when working) its all red but ill have it colored later hopefully.

User Image heres Nadia in her school outffit like in the other pics u saw only ofcoures as a sprite in this one.

User Imagenow heres nadia in her cassual outffit which i kind of like better really for some reason. so yeah i like this one allot i gesusse, wat do u think?

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This is Natasha(you may see an avi I made for her down below) Shes from the 4th Generation of my characters so she dosent come in the story for a while but she's another one of my favorite characters...She is also more of the main character when the season's she debut's in comes around

User Image haha real convincing right, lol yeah i wish it were real but hopefully one day it will be.

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This is a Genetic known as "Yeshua(another name for Jesus)" Yeshua is the last Genetic created by Cortez Sergious before he was killed, Yeshua belives he was created to be the Messiah of this world(which he was) and is the one who starts the genetic revolution. Yeshua is pretty big, you may notice a little butterfly thing in the middle of his chest, that is actually a person and it was put there to show size comparison between Yeshua and a human.I know I didnt really descripe this picture well and I didnt want to get into descriptive details on it because I dont want to give any plot away and crap like that so yeah thats all i got for now. on side note, this isnt really the finished piece i have in mind, its just sort of a base model in a way, Yeshua really has ALLOT more detail so just so you know.

Sword of Swords Genetic Revolution Episode(Not sure yet i dont work in a linear patteren when i do the comic) BTW this may be easier to see with a Lcd computer or a laptop:

Ok you can look at the hard to see comics at the bottom for fun but those are not the real comic itself, its old and somewhat outdated and i change that whole scean around allot, This part were you can see allot better is another(shall we say) ruff draft of what i really have in mind for the comic, again no text but it dosent matter since this isnt the real thing either but it is what I have in mind.(btw I LOVE the picture of maia smilling it turned out so well ^ ^)

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this is Rixis for my new story "Outlier", this is really his younger self, hes about 12 years old I believe, nothing else to special about it.

This is Lenneth(Rixis best friend and secondary main charecter) in her younger form, this was kinda of a charecter design thing but at the same time not really. Shes about 11 in this pic.

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Heres a picture of the mascot for Outlier "Tankhead" just a bit of a bonus pic for you ^ ^

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Another pic done for fun but i think its funny(an so does Darklenneth) The charecters on here are from a seperate story im making Called "Outlier" This stories main Charecters are A boy name Rixis(the boy running away from the Robot) And Lenneth(the girl in the little box in the corner shes inside the robot btw) Yeah im going preety far with this story and having fun working on it so i hope i do go real far and id like to thank my freind Darklenneth_Valkyrie for inspiring me to make it ^ ^

Outlier Ep 1 pt 1(sorry now text reading just yet ill add it in later)

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Outlier EP 1 pt 2

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Viewing 12 of 140 friends



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 01/13/2013 2:51 pm


Dude. I didnt know who you we re at first. I thought you were some random person calling me the n word so I reported you. lol. ninja
Lucia LeFay

Report | 12/28/2012 5:57 am

Lucia LeFay

Hello! Sorry for disturbing,it's a random comment,I just ask you to rate my avatar please HERE!

Report | 10/05/2012 2:38 pm


Hey dude.

Report | 08/14/2012 9:34 am


Cool avi

Report | 03/17/2011 8:34 am


saw u on mi pro biggrin

Report | 09/16/2010 7:57 pm


Stalking my profile? cool

Report | 08/10/2010 5:29 pm


Yep. Were you expecting otherwise?
Crazy Shinigami-sama

Report | 04/30/2010 6:03 pm

Crazy Shinigami-sama

Love the name change, man!
Young Logic

Report | 02/15/2010 6:53 pm

Young Logic

wsup yo ~
Young Logic

Report | 02/11/2010 7:08 pm

Young Logic

hey bro how have ya been ? ~