My Drabbles

My my, hello there. I suppose you came here for a little info on moi. Weeelll...

You can find me in the CB most of the time, but I'll occasionally wander the GD and the GCD as well. You can also find me bumming around in the Exchange if I'm hunting for an item or looking to sell. :3

Never will I betray or hurt the ones I love on purpose. I tend to be blind some of the time, but I try my best to be as careful and attentive as I can, to avoid misunderstandings.

Always I will be: crazy, silly, happy, eccentric, curious, fun, adventurous, awkward, clumsy, scatterbrained, and too nice.

Music is life. I hope to continue to be involved in music until my very last breath is taken by an instrument. I'm an aspiring musician and I am always looking to improve my musicianship by singing or playing.

Everyday I count my blessings for being able to wake up and live another day.

I've been on Gaia since '05, but I tend to be on hiatus a lot of the time. (school, work, etc.) When you see me on Gaia, it's more likely than not that I'm on break.

Some call me weird, but I guess it's because my mannerisms and way of thinking are a little unconventional and unusual.

Despite its ups and downs, I love life. Bad occurrences only inspire me to keep pressing forward so I can get to the good happenings in the future, and I have the support of my amazing friends to help me keep going no matter what.

Overall, I'm a dork, geek, nerd, pervert, fangirl, you name it. But I know for a fact I'm not afraid to be myself. I love reading manga and I love geeking out over animes and squealing over bishies. I love cosplaying and I love yaoi. xD

Many say idealist, I say optimist. (:

Everyone has some sort of grand dream. Mine is to one day move in with my two dearest friends on this earth and craft a dream house together. We'll have everything we've ever wanted - which is one another - and an assortment of wildly odd, eccentric, and just downright fantastically themed rooms. (i'm idealistically optimistic)

Never will I be weak-willed or oblivious again. I refuse to be manipulated by people I initially thought I could love and trust, but that's just made me who I am. I've promised to take care of myself, because, if something happens to me, who'll help with the dream home? [:

I want to learn bari sax, clarinet, french horn, baritone... just about any instrument out there. (: I currently sing, play the piano, and am working to improve on trumpet, trombone, and the ocarina. I also love learning dance. If I could, I'd be a performing arts major and shoot for Broadway.

Currently a Biology major, but hoping to either double major/switch to Psych, with maybe a double-minor in a language & music.

Always aspire to inspire others.

That is all for now. Look closely if you haven't seen it already - my About me section contains a secret message! o:

Bonus: pic of me. [x]

The Girl Musketeer

Silent Melancholy's avatar

Last Login: 10/12/2012 11:10 pm

Registered: 06/13/2005

Gender: Female

Occupation: College Student

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Daylightful Report | 05/05/2015 3:14 pm
DrWhoLover Report | 02/07/2012 11:05 pm
emotion_kirakira emotion_kirakira emotion_kirakira emotion_kirakira
Awwwwww Thank You Love!!!
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tiny plant Report | 02/05/2012 1:44 am
Thankyou very much for the donation!
Your profile is really cute
Ranathis Report | 01/27/2012 12:41 am
I'm heading out to the bar tomorrow night so I'll definitely be feeling like a** all over again depending on how the night goes haha.
Ranathis Report | 01/24/2012 1:29 am
I think suffer is the wrong word here. More like, experience.

And yes, I do believe that the water spared you. I'm drunk again! Woo. Haha.
Ranathis Report | 01/23/2012 3:11 am
WHAT! That is unacceptable!

Ranathis Report | 01/23/2012 12:54 am
Well you're quite welcome! I'm glad to be of such service to you!

I hope that the true meaning of feeling like a** was cast upon you this morning smile
Blue Emo Hero Report | 01/02/2012 11:44 pm
Did you see the season premier? He cried a happy tear! So.... Humany-woomany
Daylightful Report | 06/28/2011 11:34 am
I didn't know what beezy meant at that place in time.

Sorry. sweatdrop
Daylightful Report | 03/29/2011 1:35 pm



BEEZY. heart

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