


User Image

Location: In your bed >D
Occupation: Moron
Gender: Female
Birthday: August 14th, 1992
Join Date: Jan 18th , 2008
Posts: 4008


Ola and Welcome to meh profile C:
I'm your ordinary teenager. I do most of the things that everyone does; hang out with friends, go on the computer and such.
I'm unique just like you are. But I'm special; so you better love me Dx
And yes I'm a strange child, blame the parents.
If you don't like me for who I am, then go ******** touch yourself.
I could act like a b***h sometimes and when I do, you better watch out bish >D
Pissing me off is a definite no-no.
If you do the consequences are me cutting off your fingers and feeding them to my pet lamb Fredericton.
I may act like a retard sometimes but once you know me, you'll discover I'm really not.
I'm short and very loud.
So deal with it whore, everyone else seems to >P
But on a lighter note..
I'm the person who would burst out laughing in a room filled with dead silence because I remembered something funny from yesterday.
I'm usually hyper all the time but when you get on my bad side I suggest you stay away, its in your best interest...really it is.
I swear like a ******** sailor, in case you haven't noticed xD
Music is ******** amazing.
Without music I am nothing.
I listen to music all the time, you will never see me without some sort of music device xD;;
I have a younger sister and she annoys the living piss out of me.
I also have an older brother and he too annoys me and yes he's a loser
But all siblings seem to inherit that same trait or they live by their own commandment 'Annoy thy sibling' xD;;
I'm in love with Vampires and the Twilight Series. I'm not obsessed with the Twilight Series; I just love the books.
And yes I am totally excited for the movie, I mean who isn't? xD
I think everything that involves Vampires are totally awesome.
Books are my life along with Gaia.
If I'm not on Gaia then I'm somewhere lost in my room with a book.
I love books with the burning passion of a thousand suns.
I go through books like a prostitute with men.
I'll read everything and anything, I love to read end of story.
Writing is something else I do. I have a habit of making things up in my head and write it down as it comes to me.
Some things end up as stories, and others become a work in progress.
I'm not that good but I try my best.
If I think something is worth displaying I'll either put it on my deviantArt or in my Journal. [ Started to add some stuff on dA; My account is <3 ] xD
I'm a total Sports fan. I read all the stats on every single team, and player.
I love Hockey, Soccer, the NFL the CFL, Baseball and Basketball.
I yell at the TV more than I would yell at my sister.
So if you talk to me in the middle of a game, I will eat your face >D
I'm currently in grade Eleven. And no I don't like school all that much.
Like are we supposed to enjoy being in a boring building for half the day?
I'm the type of person who does their work sometimes, for the most part but gets by exceptionally well in school with okay grades.
I love and cherish all my friends, if you hurt them I will hunt you down within the hour.
And well you don't wanna know what I'd do to you.
I live in Mexico and yet I go to school in Canada, eh? o:
I travel through my portal in Narnia xD
And and and! I can go to Japan and Australia to see mah buddies.
Amazing isn't it? =D
I'm Portuguese, so don't mess with me b***h >D
I will beat you with my wooden spoons and shoes.
Also I'm Sixteen.
I'm single but madly in love <333~


Me at the moment:

Reading: Nothing right now :3
Favorite Song: Already gone - Kelly Clarkson
Mood: Meh <3
Favorite Color: Grey :3
Favorite Food: Chocolate and ice cream [Anything fatty xD]
Writing: Lot's of erotica o: xD

Last updated on: August 9th, 2009

Erm..well that's enough about me xD
So send me a PM or Friend Request ^-^
Leave a comment too? <3333
My Mule accounts are Sadistic Sex Slave, Psychotic-Minds, Enternal Madness and Lilllix

If you have read this far without falling asleep, pat yourself on the back.
I'm almost asleep and it's my own ******** writing xD

Caution: Randomness below o:

Silver: "Gee Twilight... what are we gonna do tomorrow night?"
Twilight: "The same thing we do every night Silver... Try to take over the world."

Yeah we're oh so cool so be jealous and don't mess with us we're Pork and Cheese we will throw s**t at you! >D



Viewing 12 of 36 friends


Silverblood's Journal

Some stories/poems I've written and or writing ;3


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

The Lonely Donut

Report | 01/06/2011 4:48 pm

The Lonely Donut

Hello! >o> I saw you in the Humpers Art Thread and your avi was bare - I was wondering if you were still around! D=

Report | 08/18/2010 12:25 pm


cool avi
Burn Halo

Report | 07/13/2010 1:02 pm

Burn Halo

hello you purchased a layout some time in life from me

hey i need you to save your image on photobucket or image shack [is better] their both free im sure you have either one
photobucket however makes quality crappier..
ill be deleting them soon cause i need space :
if you cant do it and you feel comfortable give me your email and pw for either one ill do it. if not then ask someone to help you. then let me know and ill change them to update your code.

Report | 09/13/2009 8:02 am



Report | 09/12/2009 4:05 pm



Report | 09/12/2009 2:39 pm



Report | 09/12/2009 2:38 pm


User Image

Report | 08/25/2009 8:44 am



Report | 08/25/2009 8:43 am


User Image
The Abstract Clock

Report | 08/23/2009 3:33 pm

The Abstract Clock

rawrrr <3 (: