
SilverFireMe's avatar

Registered: 07/17/2007

Location: In his loving embrace

Birthday: 11/04/1993

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If you haven't figured it out, I'm prity ******** up...I don't know why but I am. When ever I'm left to ponder about anything and everything, I get depressed. Some one should put me on suicide watch just so there will be someone to keep me company....or atleast to keep me buisy doing something.
There's someone in my life though that keeps me sain enough. His name is London and I love him to death! A light in the dark where nothing can shine maybe ^^ I don't really know, but the point is.....I LOVE him...a lot and COOKIES!!!!!! I made him some cookies the other day and even though I warned him about how they might be bad or something like burned I think he still ate one ^^ my darling love is brave and strong. I would probly be dead or have LOTS of scares on my rists if London hadn't come along! He's everything and anything any girl could ever want or need...exept sometimes he's a bad influence on me....but not very much!

Sleeping is like a hobby for me I sleep so much. That's just something that comes with being depressed though. If anyone ever meets me in person they could never tell I'm depressed because I'm always wearing a mask of happyness in public. If there's a person around then there's no way you'll see my true feelings. Even if anybody does see them though, I pass it off as tiredness ^^ prity easy to fool people who don't really care. That little ******** Max always sees through me though when I'm feeling too down to seem happy!
Anyway, leave a comment, your myspace link if you want to be friends on there.....or just chill and listen to the music on my page's really up to you!

If you have a MYSPCE.....take my quiz okay?




View Journal

Thoughts and messages from Sara

My thoughts and emotiong will make me go mad some day.


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souls please?

Enldless nightmares

The love of my life-->

If you're over this far, you should read this! Join my guild Emo Lovers Only. It's a roleplaying guild with almost no rules to follow. Also, I hope you like my prfile. I had been meaning to change it and then I rearanged my photobucket and lost the picture I had before! Now it's anime! It's a shame though because I also losted my pictures of London i had up. >_< Now I have to try and hack my photobucket to get them back! I knew I should have writen that dambed password down somewhere when I changed it! Hmmm, this is sorta like a journal entry without the gold reward... O.o'

Shorty ^

kayleen ^

Omnomnom hat! And that's London holding me! Cute is'nt he?

Spazz - Best friend EVER

Oz - my mule [friend abandoned it really and i bought it from her ^^]

J - Londons bro-ham