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chi0lea on 09/15/2019


SimplyaGoddess's avatar

Last Login: 02/04/2018 7:26 pm

Registered: 04/16/2007

Gender: Female

Birthday: 04/19/1991


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Nihao Ma?

Ya~ho, If you don't happen to know my name's Mariah, though everyone one here calls me Simply or Goddess whatever you prefer. I'm 18 and not your average teenaged girl. I've never done drugs, I still have my v card purity ring and all, I hate to do dangerous things, and I would prefer to be nice to people than start a fight. In my short life there is a line seperating who I was and who I am. BA and AA. Before Anxiety and After. I have General Anxiety and Panic disorder, and have only recently begun to recover from a vicious cycle of Clincal Depression. Yeah, I have problems, I'm well aware but I do my best to get through each day. I'm hopeful that some day I can be happy again like I was BA but right now I'll just have to deal. I'm on my way of being a published author and I'm planning on studying Psychology and Business at Texas A&M. I've been on gaia since the very beginning of my depression and it was there as an escape from a world that had no light for me, to be melodramatic. When I first joined I was young, stupid and just slightly wild. I got mixed up with some people and things I blush to think about. Nothing too bad but there's a few people on the my friends list that know what I'm talking about. So along those lines don't go looking for anything from me, I currently am single...for now. Hm, what else. Oh yeah I am a roleplayer but be forewarned I'm a chronic stopper right in the middle of a roleplay. I don't do it on purpose life just loves to hate me you know. Anyway you guys have a good life and try to smile more often. You have no idea the gift you have until it's ripped away. I'm sure most people on here are anime fans as well, if you want to find me on my username is SnowyXSnowpea, or if you want to read some of my slopped together stories with basically no plot go to and look for princessofwhitesnow. Yeah I'm cool like that =) Love you...sometimes.

Wo Ai Ni,

*Teheh XD*
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[b:2f4e088a2f][i:2f4e088a2f]My Rules of Life
1. Give respect when it is due.
2. Realize someone has walked down the same path and suceeded.
3. Love myself because thats where love begins.
4. Respect my partner by respecting myself and my wishes.
5. Steer clear of boys during that time of the month. It's mercy really.
6. Say more with silences and actions than with words.
7. Allow others love to uplift rather than to drag down.
8. Never allow a emotional scar untended for too long. It will ruin who you are.
