
Eye Color: Green.

Hair Color: Dark Brown

Height: I dunno.

Favorite Color: Don't have one..

Screen Name: Celtic Twinkie.

Favorite Band: Mmm...Beatles, Modest Mouse, and movie soundtracks

Favorite Movie: Sherlock Holmes, Alice In Wonderland (Cartoon version)

Favorite Show: House

Your Car: drive one of those kids' barbie cars

Your Hometown: I move a lot.

Your Present Town: Antarctica.

Your Crushes First Name: James

Your Grade: Eighth

Your Style: I just wear what people buy me.

H a v e Y o u E v e r

Sat on your rooftop?: I do every night.

Kissed someone in the rain?: Almost.

Danced in a public place?: Yup.

Smiled for no reason?: I am now :]

Laughed so hard you cried?: Just ten minutes ago.

Peed your pants after age 8?: Of course.

Written a song?: Nothing good ^^''

Sang to someone for no reason?: I hummed.

Performed on a stage?: I will in two hours.

Talked to someone you don't know?: I talk to people in elevators, if thats what
you mean :>

Gone out of your way to befriend someone?: Nope. I don't keep many friends.

Made out in a theatre?: Nopes.

Gone roller skating since 8th grade?: I've never been on skates.

Been in love?: Not really.

Who was the last person to

Say HI to you?: Myself.

Tell you, I love you?: Never.

Kiss you?: A guy in front of the church.

Hug you?: A friend I had to leave behind last week.

Tell you BYE?: The person I was talking to on the internet three seconds ago.

Write you a note?: I have sticky notes plastered everywhere in my new
permanent home, if that's what mean.

Take your photo?: I've never had my picture taken. Except for when I was a
baby, but I have every known copy.

Call your cell phone?: I don't own a cell phone.

Buy you something?: A milkshake from David

Go with you to the movies?: I go by myself.

Sing to you?: No one ever has.

Write a poem about you?: No one.

Text message you?: I don't text.

Touch you?: Well, this one guy bumped into me on the bus.

W h a t ' s t h e l a s t

Time you laughed?: Bout twenty minutes ago.

Time you cried?: Twenty minutes ago.

Movie you watched?: Sweeney Todd

Joke you told?: Dead Babies

Song you've sang?: Float on

Time you've looked at the clock?: I don't own a clock.

Drink you've had?: I don't drink.

Number you've dialed?: Don't call people.

Book you've read?: Sherlock Holmes.

Food you've eaten?: NNNNNNACHOS.

Flavor of gum chewed?: Gum flavored.

Shoes you've worn?: Chucks

Store you've been in?: Speedway

Thing you've said?: "ow"

C a n Y o u

Write with both hands?: Yes, but I'm not a very legible writer. Though I write
best with my left.

Whistle?: Nope.

Blow a bubble?: Not a very big one.

Roll your tounge in a circle?: Yup!

Cross your eyes?: Haha no

Touch your tounge to your nose?: Yes biggrin

Dance?: Poorly :[

Gleek?: Gleek?

Stay up a whole night without sleep?: Yes.

Speak a different language?: One.

Impersonate someone?: Nixon.

Prank call people?: Every time one of my friends lend me their phones.

Make a card pyramid?: Why would I waste my time on that?

Cook anything?: I don't cook. My friends insist on buying me food.

F i n i s h T h e L i n e

If i were a ...: -lone, I would be.

I wish ...: I could, but she won't let me.

So many people don't know that ...: I'm screaming.

I am ...: Almost there.

My heart is ...: Put together by staples

A n y t h i n g E l s e ?

Occupation: Writer

Hope: To make a living as one.

Location: Outer space.

Favorite Holiday: Halloween.



Viewing 10 of 19 comments.


Report | 10/19/2010 4:02 pm


Gleek?: Gleek = Glee Geek as in Glee the television show -w-
Nimue Nott

Report | 08/04/2010 10:18 pm

Nimue Nott

Oh, I love the movie Memoirs of a Geisha!
Sherrlock Holmes

Report | 07/23/2010 6:22 pm

Sherrlock Holmes

              Hm :{
              Any suggestions from your little black book?

Sherrlock Holmes

Report | 07/23/2010 6:07 pm

Sherrlock Holmes

              That is the trick.
              I should take a few pages from your book.

Sherrlock Holmes

Report | 07/23/2010 5:06 pm

Sherrlock Holmes

              Ah, yes. That may work.
              God knows I have many.

Sherrlock Holmes

Report | 07/23/2010 4:20 pm

Sherrlock Holmes

              Doubt it.
              She's pretty sly.
              My disguises don't work so well on her.

Sherrlock Holmes

Report | 07/22/2010 2:34 pm

Sherrlock Holmes

              Ah, yes.
              I should sell it like the best thing ever.

Sherrlock Holmes

Report | 07/22/2010 2:04 pm

Sherrlock Holmes

              I definitely could, but last time I suggested that, he bit my head off.

Sherrlock Holmes

Report | 07/22/2010 1:51 pm

Sherrlock Holmes

              Antisocial to me.
              He and his wife are doing quite well, or so I hear.

Sherrlock Holmes

Report | 07/22/2010 1:47 pm

Sherrlock Holmes

              This is also true!


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