
Hello! Bonjour! Konichiwa! Moshi Moshi! And what not! ^__^ Welcome, welcome! So you want to know a little bit about little miss Skepsis, huh? Well I, Skepsis, would be delighted to tell you a little about myself! =3

I'm not very complex! I'm a nerd, let's start with that! I'm a 18 year old girl living in Canada with too much free time on my hands. I'm currently struggling with my sexuality! =D fun s**t; I'm thinking I'm pansexual. Let's list some things that make me nerdy! I'm on DA too, check is out! > http://satsori.deviantart.com/

For one, I love any and everything Japanese! I'm a huge anime/ manga nerd; I've read so much manga I can't even count. I own a lot too, I lend them to my friends and it takes them forever to finish them. (Namely my Lolo). My favorite mangas and animes have got to beeeeeeeeeee... hmmm. I'll list them from 'most favourite/ obsessed' to 'still in love with them but less obsessed'.

Loveless has got to be my all time favorite manga, I've never seen the anime but I'm working on it. Yun Kouga, the author of loveless, is my god! ;^; She is amazing x10. I just love all the characters in her book, and her drawing is so amazing! o-o! Kio is my favorite by far, and I have no idea why. My goal in life is to cosplay everyone from the series.

Soul Eater, awww s**t son. It's amazing xD I'm up to date with it and all that jazz. I love Stein, Spirit, Asura, Death the Kid and Justin! Omg, their all so amazing and Stein and Spirit are an amazing couple. >w> Asura is the s**t by the way! D< Even if he's crazy and super evil, I love him to bits and I'm going to cosplay him some day.

EYESHIELD 21! ******** Eyeshield! It's about football sure, but it's ******** amazing! Hiruma is for sure the most amazing person in the world and Monta is just so silly you can't not love him! The art is too great in that series and I'm constantly smiling when it comes down to eyeshield. :3

Fruit Basket is another favourite of mine; it gets me into such a philosophical mood! Kyo is a hero, and I love Akito to bits! Even though... she's evil. Fruba always makes me depressed, but then cheers me up! I ready Fruba when I'm feeling down or have no idea what to do with my life. I told you I was a nerd. Yah... I read it, I finished it. I still think Akito is a man.

A new one I found thanks to my friend is DOGs, it just amazing. I love Badou and Giovanni, they are for sure my heroes, it's just intense. Not to mention I love Badou and Haine as a pair, because they just get along... but then again they really don't, plus the author, Miwa something is pretty funny even though the series is rather serious.

Ouran High School Host Club makes me soooo happy my breath could be an antidepressant. (Azumanga also does that to me). Kaoru is my favourite, well I love both the twins but Kauro gets top shelf. Though I have to admit I've never read the manga >.>;; Ouran is one of the few anime's I've seen without reading the manga first.

Alright, so also Gurren Lagonn, because it's amazing and I don't think I spelled it right, but that's okay. I love Simon and Viral so much, they are just win, not to mention they just, wow. I like them all a lot, though I haven't read the manga for it either... yah. Gimmy is a hero and adorable, >w>

Hitman Reborn... yah, it's cool. Men that can beat the crap out of each other and still look beautiful are okay in my books. The only men are gay men! And holy s**t adult Lambo and Reborn >A> sexiest s**t alive!

Black Cat is really good as well, I haven't been keeping up with it as of late but I love Train, he's so cute with his kitty like ness~ lol. I also love Sven and Eve, because their great characters, and the art in those books are really cool >3<

Laine is also an anime that I love that I've watched without reading first, and damn did it make me think! X-x I yelled what the ******** at the computer a lot while watching it. I haven't even finished the anime! D
Tsubasa and XXX Holic are also amazing, they make me think x-x but I still love them. I've learned so much from just reading these mangas! Kuragone is love and Kuragone and Fai make love >3>;; <.<;;

Code Geass omg, yes, just yes. Lulu is freaking Jesus he's so amazing and Suzaku is a douche but amazing none the less. My favourite though it Lloyd cause he's just so... silly! xD Code Geass is just wow, made by CLAMP once again. I'm pretty much a fan of anything by CLAMP.

Holy crap, uh almost forgot to say D. Gray Man! xD The comic is so sad D8 and I'm not like crazy about the comic but I like it so there >A< Plus I need to know what's going to happen to Allen and I love Lavi so much! I go for red-heads too much >__>

Naruto -___- I'm not a huge fan, but I like it. I mean... ninjas. Who doesn't like ninjas? Expectingly when they have a character like Shikamaru; he's just too godly for human eyes.

I've watched a bit of this and thought it was funny: Dokura-Chan. It was pretty good and I like... got embarrassed watching it cause it's so weird! xD

Gintama! Fffffff yes! I love it so much; it's amazingly random and fun! And all the characters are hilarious.

Eh.... Death Note... I'm not a big fan but I use to like it a lot, just because it was so different and you had to think when you watched it. Now... eh. I don't mind it, and I didn't even bother to watch the ending of the series because it got so... bad -___-;

If you want to know more of my favourite anime and mangas just look at the list in my details. There's a bunch there.

I should mention this too so there's no confusion. I-AM-A-YAOI-FAN! I'm not a screaming fan girl, but I'm not one to lie. I think it's damn hot. Now yaoi manga is a whole different story in the anime/manga department. I'd have to say my favourite yaoi is Littlest Butterfly! It was so cute! I almost cried. It was one of the few yaois that had shounen-ai in it too.

Once again Loveless takes the cake for Shounen-ai in my heart, just because it's amazing, but that's okay! ^__^

Must say also that 4chan is the scum of the world, but you can find a lot on /y/... yah. Well I also really love anything to do with FF mostly, well anything to do with Vincent, though I usually like Cloud things and Zell things as well. Link is the s**t as well, because Link is just so cute and the pair of Link and Dark Link is... well it's pretty hot.

I read a lot online shounen/ yaoi too. It's amazing at the art you can find of the Internet! =D

Okay, let's talk more about me being a nerd and what not. I go to this thing in the summer called AE. Maybe some of you have heard of it? Anyhow, it's an anime convention! And it's rad! I'm also goto one called Sakura Con, and I'm hoping to go to K Kon... and maybe Yaoi Con. I'll list some of my past and future cosplays;

AE, Past Cosplays


Kuragone - From Tsubasa


Adrian - From Cybersix
Kaoru - From Ouran High School Host Club
Sumomo - From Chobits

Rock Lee - From Naruto
Rem (Remu) - From Death note
Aoyagi Ritsuka - From Loveless

Sakura Con Past cosplays

Aoyagi Ritsuka - From Loveless
Sumomo - From Chobitsu


Kiki- From Kiki's Delivery Service
OOC Youji- From Loveless

Anime Evolution

Officer Jenny- Pokemon

Sakura Con

Giovanni- DOGs

Futa- Hitman Reborn

Noel- BlazBlue


Officer Jenny- Pokemon

Roselia- Pokemon


Sealnd- Hetalia

I'm also in love with video games and things like Star Wars! >.>;; I'm a pretty guyish girl, but that's okay. People think I'm insane for many a reasons. For one... well I created a family tree with my friends, and I'm quite the slut in it! xD I'm a mom to my friend Erik and have been decreed God because of a story I wrote a long time ago. I'm a wife to my husband Emma, who I am not married too, but I did have my son Erik with her. I'm married to Garth who is a Mormon in our tree, and I'm having an affair with Katharine and her brother/boyfriend, Jeff, is eloping with me. That's only a small part of our tree... so yah. Little weird...

I don't care if people think I'm insane though! Cause all my friends are pretty insane too! But you know, we're all insane, some are just better at showing it. And damn do I make a better door then a window.

Don't get me wrong though! I love a lot more then manga, yaoi, dressing up and video games. I'm also a sports freak! =D I play hockey, baseball and I fence! Loads of fun! ^__^ I play right wing forwards in hockey! And I love it!

In baseball I am a back catcher, or 3rd basemen. I've played baseball for 10 years and till I was 16. It's a fun sport go out and try. I quit though... D: cause I got too busy... -sad face-

Fencing is amazing! I can fend off people so much better then I use too and I'm proud to say I can use an Epee pistol grip sword. ^__~ Those are hard to hold cause they cramp up your hands.

I also really love to draw and read. My drawing is nothing compared to my friends, but I'm getting better! I want to do something with history when I get older; it would be just so much fun. Can't forget writing, I'm a big roleplayer, and write... a lot >___> it's a wonder why I dread doing things like that in class.

Another thing I really enjoy is working in the theatre. I love it there! The people and the atmosphere is amazing. I'm not an actor though, I'm a tech! Being backstage, wearing all black... I'm like a freaking NINJA! And ninjas are pretty cool. Heck their really cool. I wish I was a ninja... yah. I rant don't mind me it at all.

If you want to be friends I'm down with that. "Grab your ball, grab your bat. Head to the beach soak up some rays! Better hurray up only got two days!" Ha... the weekends. I also draw pictures for people and I make my own profiles. So if you want help with that kind of stuff I just might be able to be of assistance. o.o... rawr. Well enjoy your visit. I doubt anyone will even read through all of this! XD Oh well! I may not look like much from this crazy random list, but I'm pro at pretending to be a ninja. WOOOOH! Be afraid... be very afraid.

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The Secret Life of Kurayami

An odd journal that will mostly be filled with stories and such from my secret life. BE WARNED! Not even my best friends know about this life!!!!! Well they know parts... ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK!



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 07/27/2011 11:11 pm


Ashura 09

Report | 09/13/2010 1:01 pm

Ashura 09

happy birthday biggrin
Sir Foxtin

Report | 09/07/2010 11:50 am

Sir Foxtin

...Wtf. I'm trying to add you.

Report | 07/12/2010 11:12 am


Hey there, I finally created a guild for what I've been hoping to achieve, A Final Fantasy world, I'm sure it's been done before but I would like to give it a chance.

The guild is called: Final Fantasy Dissidia World

Please tell your friends if you're interested
hope to hear from ya, thanks for your time

Report | 07/03/2010 5:59 pm


I have a refurbished Augen, and it doesn`t work fine. The internet browser closes by itself sometimes while I`m trying to post in forums or reply to PMs :/

Report | 07/03/2010 4:15 pm


Nah. If I waant my netbook to do something, I have to click everything fifty thousand times or it won`t do it. I probably clicked send too many times.

Report | 07/03/2010 3:43 pm


Blame my piece of crap netbook.

Report | 07/03/2010 2:02 pm


I wrote a reply for Heine. Did it not go through ? If not, I`ll go rewrite it. And maybe think of something for Reborn.

Report | 06/28/2010 12:45 pm


[ / waves ] 8D She`s good ~ And I`m working on getting my Heine muse back ~ Because I`ve got another person wanting to do a Badou x Heine with me ~ Someone who I`ve been in chats with <3 BUT. I`ll get replies to you : D So long as my browser doesn`t close when I try to.
Moist Owlette

Report | 06/18/2010 7:29 am

Moist Owlette



My DeviantArt Page <3
I'm a Gaga fan, no worries[/size:b184472d57]