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RP Chair

I am an a*****e who has been lieing to every girl I met. I also cheated on them and used them for my own pleasures. I really hurt a whinny girl telling her that I died which I'm really alive! Really great joke right? Well, I'm off to mess with other girls Tah Tah!


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InsanityMaster Report | 09/03/2007 3:58 pm
-pokes head-
white tiger of darkness Report | 08/01/2007 10:03 am
nice porfile u have here man
angel_sweetie2009 Report | 07/31/2007 10:36 pm
Crap.....The writting looks weird User Image
angel_sweetie2009 Report | 07/31/2007 9:34 pm
You're profile is still the same.....funny
blizzared Report | 05/20/2007 8:10 pm
hey there whats up, we have not talk in soooooo long how r u ?
-_-EmoChild-_-2007 Report | 03/10/2007 9:22 am
I know you will.
Sky Ray Ocon Report | 03/04/2007 8:10 am
i ll stay alive for u ok
-_-EmoChild-_-2007 Report | 03/03/2007 2:44 pm
Please be ok, Please, I miss talking to you.
Sky Ray Ocon Report | 12/30/2006 1:35 pm
right back at u
-_-EmoChild-_-2007 Report | 12/28/2006 3:30 pm
:XP Merry late Christmas and a Early New YEAR!!!!!!! :Heart: :Heart:

