get to know me .


Mah bby :
Its Destiny Hacking My Sexc a** Bf(; . Babes iFly So Damn Muuch <3 .(:
No Hoe Is Gona Come Between Us iMean It [:
Baaaby iKnow Your Gona Read This So iWana Know
if You Wana Be My Valentinee <3 Lmaoo ;D .
Damn Baee You Mean The World To Me (: iSwear Your My Life .
Everytime iSee You iGet Butterflies . . it Always Happens . <3
iNever Wana Lose You , it Would Be Like Losing My Hole Life
Aaaaaah Smh iNever Fell So Hard For Someone in My Entire Live .
But DeadAsss im So inlove W. You <3 ; Pssst This Aint No Puppy
Love Shxt Either its The RealDeeal Nigguhs <3 iMean it Baaaby ;D
W. All My Heart . (:
iLoooove You<33(:

~O12711~ <------ Foreverr(((:

Da Legacy :
Heyy you little gaia w h o r e s.This here is my new hoe. You cannot have him. He is mine forever. So back off ladies. Unless I think your good enough to be with him. No dont you dare pm me with that stupid bullshiit. Anywho, Johnn is the best person you will ever meet. He is funny, stupid and crazy amazing ! !. He makes me laugh on the spot. uhhhh Im done. kayy thanks byee ;D

x - A y e B b y : Yo Yoo baabes' annd babetts' ? lmao . Its' Stepphhhh ; D hackinnq maaaa bestieee; fasshhooo<$ This kidd is amaazinq lool . i text him like all thhaa time . & he kinda qets Annoyed ;b buut tahts me . aha . He qooes by the namme of John . - hotness riqht there huh ? - annd hes 16 Yeeaaars younq < 3 qive 'em some bdaay s e x ; on octoober 30thh ;b ( cominnq soooonn biitchhesz ] Well yeeh; this kid is S i n q l e ! &; straiiqht. so all yhuu homoos out theere; bakc off this diicqk . but chikkqas come qettchha some ; ) johnns awessomme and if Yhuu havent' talked to him yeet - do it . annd yhu wont' reqret it . ;b yhuu;ll see me annd john hittinn' it up in rallys all tha time . n inever geet bored of his hisspaanic assz; all yhuuu bitches out theere better not hurt him or illl be after yhuur sorry aszs . well yeehhup ' this is qettnn a liddo lonqq; so Steephs Outtieesz<3 - lovee yhuu - haacked on O9282k1O 5;41 P M .

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De Legacy