My Dream Avi .u. DONATIONS ARE APPRECIATED, PEEP'o~ Saanksyuu'


Kămıkø Wıllstälkyøudŏwɴ Aɴdkıllyøü Täkahashı heart

Nātsükø Cërtıfıëd'Stałker Købäyâshı



[[ If I poke you, then I want to add you. K?
I'm blocked from doing certain features at the moment, so yeah. :u ]]

Name: Kamiko Takahashi

Other certain name: Auri, Airi, Arisu, Ari, Ai, Loli, etc.

Age: 14

Height: 5'4"

Weight: ? ( DON'T ASK MY WEIGHT, YOU BISH. = 3 = )

Race: Unknown

Date of Birth: November 15th

Hair Color: Brown with black streaks in the front.

Eye color: Main color is Blue. ( Depends on her mood. )

Back story/Bio:
Kamiko Takahashi, which means "superior child", is a kind and beautiful girl. But, she has a side that she doesn't want anyone else to know about. Kamiko has a disease called a personality disorder. It's when you are one person but you have two personalities living inside of you. When this side takes over, Kamiko's whole personality changes along with her eye color. She isn't your "average teenage girl."

Her parents had gotten divorced whe she was only a toddler. And when her mother tried to date another man after the divorce her father didn't quite agree with that, even though they weren't married. She had a tragic childhood. Bloody memories mainly.

Her father abused her for 4 years after the killing of her mother and the male that she had been dating. So, she ran away from home at a young age only to be taken into an orphanage where she met a little boy named Kazuhiro Kuroki. He was 2 at that time and his parents died when he was only a few months old. He told Kamiko that he was passed to different relatives until one of is uncle's sent him tothe orphanage. Kamiko and Kazuhiro's lives were similar.

After a few years of living in the orphanage, Kamiko, now 19, started to think of Kazuhiro, now 12, as a little brother. She would protect him when they came and went to school. She would even help him when he needed it while doing his homework.

While every other child got a home over the years, except a few, Kamiko and Kazuhiro were left with no one. All of the opportunities to get a home were turned down whenever the adults found out about the two's education. They both weren't that great in school and their grades weren't the best. So they would wait until another opportunity came, hoping these adults would accept them for who they are.

Kamiko was now out of school. Since she had missed a few grades, she graduated at the age of 19. One of her worst fears had been falling in love. She saw what gruesome things her father did and was confused about love.

One night, a gang broke into the orphanage. Kamiko heard commotion downstairs and quickly ran to Kazuhiro, waking him up. They grabbed what they needed and smoothly fled the building. Once they were far enough, they stopped to rest. They made a promise that they would help each other to survive.

One of the things Kamiko grabbed before leaving the orphanage was a guitar she got for Christmas one year. She has also taught herself to play it. So she decided that she would play music in public to get money. Kazuhiro was a wonderful artist for his age. He told Kamiko that he would sell his drawing/paintings to people who wanted them or took a liking to them.

Kazuhiro was now Kamiko's responsibility and she had to take this. But, the real question was: How would she control her "other personality" and keep them both surviving at the same time?

( I'll write more of it later on. )

// Hiya. Here are things you should know before adding/roleplaying with me.

- No text talkers. :I

- Please use proper grammar.

- See this? --> BU It is a face. I do many faces while OOC unless I'm in a bad mood.

- Please don't take what I say in character seriously.

- When speaking OOC, I use // at the beginning of what I'm saying.

- Not sharing any personal information other than my rl name and what I look like.

- I do Lit. (Literature) and script roleplay.

- I only speak English so please do not add me if you speak any other language.

- I will roleplay either wall-to-wall, on a wallpost, or PM (Private Message).

- No yuri. Sorry, but no.

- If I get in a roleplay relationship then I expect you to treat it as if it was a real one.

- This is an OC account. Do not steal anything from my back story I created from my own imagination or I /will/ report you and I /will/ block you.

- Please keep the roleplay going. Do not do a one-liner. If you do then I'll think I'm boring you. Dx

- Last but not least, I'm terrible at starters, but I will try if needed.

Welp. That's all. I'll add more if I think of anything.~ Hope to roleplay soon! C:

Oh yeah. If you read all of this write "KAMIKO. I LIEK CHOCOLATE MALK AND COOKIEZ." on my timeline. c:

Alright. I'll shut up now.
Bye!~ ♥ o:



My music playlist < 3

Unable to identify Vimeo video URL.

