
Ok, I know that a lot of people have been waiting for me to make this part. ((Not Really XD)) I'm going to do my best to describe myself a bit in this confined space.
I'm a major bookworm, a writer ((If you can call my stuff "writings")) a comic nerd, anime and manga enthusiast, an rp-aholic, and I worship the ground my girlfriend walks on. ((That would be ~Night_Eternally~)) I'm freakishly tall, (( 6'2")) and am overweight ((not telling^^u)). I'm seventeen ((as of April 27)) and really wish my gf wouldn't get me any gifts. ((Please!!! <^^>)) Ok, now I'll let you see some pics of me. I'm incredibly camera shy, so the only pics of me that I have are from prom. ((No "you don't look bad" comments please.))
User Image
My super pose. Don't I look so heroic?
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Me and ~Night_eternally~. We were pretty tired after dancing for five hours straight. ((We're not drunk/ high/ anything else, you dummyheads.))

I guess that's all I have to say. Come visit me on the forums and we can rp sometime. Snipe


Viewing 12 of 36 friends



Viewing 10 of 13 comments.


Report | 10/23/2007 7:07 am


whats up?

Report | 06/13/2007 7:29 pm


Whoever changed Jacob's password better fess up!

Report | 05/26/2007 3:54 pm


Punishment given and enjoyedXD lol. Still though...take it down...last time my piccys got on here, I got stalkers!! They found out where I lived!! @,@ please be careful...and maybe...take yours down too? You don't have to...I just worry...and I'm sorry 'bout flaming...I was having a REALLY bad day...and that topped it...^^;; Can you forgive me? ~big kitty eyes~ <*,*> Mew?

Report | 05/12/2007 2:48 pm


Urk!!0.0....Ohhh!! Ohhhh!! I told you not to!! stressed Arg!! One: You're not overweight!!! Two: I'm getting you the gift no matter what the hell you say!! Three: YOU DO LOOK GOOD. Four: Why the hell did you put my picture up there?!?!?!?! NOOOOOO!!!! >,< Rrrrr....you're in so much trouble you cannot even comprehend.... stressed Just you wait 'till Monday...just you wait... evil twisted

Report | 03/15/2007 8:04 pm


Hi!! Like your profile!! A little depressing, though...but I can't say nothin'^^;;

Report | 01/06/2007 2:41 pm


thank you for using stop and drop....amerca's favorite suicide booth
Instant Soki

Report | 12/29/2006 2:45 pm

Instant Soki

random comment supporting my quest.
Whut Chu Sed Gurl

Report | 12/19/2006 12:17 am

Whut Chu Sed Gurl

I miss you guys.
I'll try to visit the school one morning during break or something.
Dragons Mystery

Report | 11/24/2006 11:28 am

Dragons Mystery

ya, it;s fine.

thanks for the comment talk to u later smile

Report | 11/23/2006 11:39 am


I luv your Pro! Ed rules!


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Before you insult somebody you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way when you insult them you'll be a mile away and have their shoes!!"