The Avatar Hiding The Person

Sock-Kitty's avatar

Last Login: 04/10/2010 11:04 am

Registered: 10/11/2004

Location: As far away from reality as possible

Birthday: 07/12/1991

Occupation: Loser <3

Random Shizzage.

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Fishies go "pook pook pook" O3O
Gaia's no good no more
Where have all the RPers gone?


Current Obsessions

  • A levels =]
  • LOLcats. =^-^=
  • Gaia's no good no more <!--/3
  • NEED to RP TT___TT
  • Pengie chan <33 (Duh)
  • My Real Face :O

    User Image

    The Person Hiding Behind The Avatar

    Please do not randomly PM/add me. Do not beg from me either.

    The Basics
    [x] Name: Sock
    [x] Age: 16
    [x] Gender: Female ;]
    [x] Nationality: English
    [x] Status: Surviving

    Ok that's that out of the way.

    I love to role play so if you're any good please PM me ;D

    I love my boyfriend very muchly and am exceedingly clingy. Touch him and prepare to have your arms ripped off. Sorry, it can't be helped. I'm a cross between a paranoid limpet and an angry rottweiler when it comes to him.

    My friends are some of the best people in the world. My best friends are better than yours ;D Yeah, be jealous! I love them all uber muchly. Hurt then and I will eat your soul.

    I love rainbow colours and I am addicted to icons. Seriously. My computer is dying from icon overload. I have over 600. Honest. I just checked. 631 if you want specific numbers ;D

    I'm in college taking AS level English Literature, Philosophy (which isn't wandering round in a toga stroking your chin thoughtfully), Fine Art and Sociology. My tutors are awesome. Especially Tim, Simon and Keith.

    I actually managed to make new friends despite my almost crippling shyness but am terrified of losing touch with my old friends. Can you believe I took 3/4 courses the same as my best friend and we're not in a single lesson together?

    I love manga. It's my addiction. And Pocky. It's like crack on a stick. <33333 I read Furuba, Bizenghast, DeathNote, Princess Ai, Love Mode, Mars, NaNa, Para Kiss, and Model. I read a lot more than that too, mainly Shojo xD I can't help myself.

    I watch anime too, mostly Ouran High School Host Club and Tsubasa Chronicles. If you watch the anime of DeathNote please don't talk to me about it xP I've only read up to the 10th volume and my boyfriend has already ruined one of the major plot twists in it for me. Damn him.

    I love to read too. The Twilight series, His Dark Materials by Philip Pullman, Boy meets Boy, Tamora Pierce books, Garth Nix's Abhorsen trilogy, Robin McKinley's re-writes of old fairy tales and ridiculous amounts of Chick Lit. I have read Harry Potter but think J.K. Rowling is an awful writer.

    I have an over active imagination and it is often my downfall, especially when it comes to anything remotely scary or paranoia about the fact my boyfriend lives 200 miles away and tends to be surrounded by cute girls :{

    I hate the cold and love winter simply because it gives me an excuse to drink hot chocolate, wrap up in my duvet and some comfy pjs in front of the fire and watch crappy movies on tv =^-^= I don't hate snow, it's very pretty but I find it easier to admire when I'm all tucked up and warm in my house. xDD

    I'm easily angered so please watch what you say around me. I try not to be a total b***h. And very rarely succeed. But I'm a nice person really.

    As in really, really, really deep down ;D

    My music is what keeps me going. I have just under 400 songs on my iPod and they help me hide from the world. I just plug in, switch on and everything's okay again. I listen to just about anything that isn't uber screamy, all about bitches and hos or OTT on the drum and bass. I like most things with a good beat, but I don't dance.

    I attempt to draw avi art but no ones pays me for it, so I only do bits for friends now, mostly when I'm bored. I draw by hand but if you honestly want some work from me please be prepared to pay for it.

    Ever seen OHSHC? You know how Kouya and Honey sempai are in the mornings? That's me. If I'm tired I'm almost invariably grumpy. It's best to avoid me when I'm like that. And never attempt to wake me up. I have a tendency of getting violent when woken.

    If you want to know more about me... Tough titties. I can't be bothered to write anymore. But if you're that bothered click here. Just please don't add me unless I already know you.

    Thanks for reading =^-^= I hope I relieved your boredom momentarily ;] You've been a wonderful audience xD

    Sock <33