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Solemn Wanderer Senketsu's avatar


Zero Heslin here. I'm not someone you want to ******** with. I have one person I have an interest in and she knows already who she is. You bicker near me and I tell you to stop? Either listen or get out. I am not here to put up with bullshit. I've dealt with quite a bit on here and lemme tell you something. I'm done with everyone. Prove to me you aren't a ******** idiot and maybe then you have my trust and respect.


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Solemn Wanderer Senketsu Report | 05/09/2021 10:45 pm
Solemn Wanderer Senketsu
All those visiting my profile, please know that I will be rejecting your friend request for the following reasons:
1. We DID not speak beforehand.
2. We did speak but you gave off red flags.
3. You did something to the people I care about and thus lost ALL credibility.
4. You did something to piss me off.
5. You appeared suspicious or you were not taking things seriously enough.

Bottom line: I don't have to accept your friend request if I'm not remotely interested.
AmaraAngelMaxwell Report | 05/08/2021 6:19 pm
just looking through a thread i am posting in to find out where the story line is
AmaraAngelMaxwell Report | 03/23/2021 12:04 pm
i dont know in one of the threads i was looking at
AmaraAngelMaxwell Report | 03/23/2021 11:39 am
i am new to gaia looking for friends and rp buddies?
Sugar Mason Report | 02/17/2021 4:03 am
Sugar Mason
A Luxio Gijinka Report | 07/12/2020 11:42 pm
A Luxio Gijinka
Discord is having issues loading yet.
Kagine Tundra Heslin Report | 05/03/2020 2:39 pm
Kagine Tundra Heslin
Kagine Tundra Heslin Report | 01/20/2020 8:36 am
Kagine Tundra Heslin
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Much as I love seafood too [except shellfishes like clams and cockles, not a fan of them], I had to literally do a trial and error to see what I can eat >.< I mean I love eating crabs/prawns/squids too.

Same goes to you lol, who would rub your belly when I'm not around? XD

Yeah, early mornings pretty much.

Probably told her to keep her ears shut all that while.

Apparently not only you lol, I can't even sleep properly lately.

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Kagine Tundra Heslin Report | 01/19/2020 11:43 pm
Kagine Tundra Heslin
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I would probably give you the rest of the fish. Only fish I would eat are catfish and those soft fleshed ones that doesn't require me to end up descaling them to hell.

-stares at the numerous amount of times she was groped by him-

Which, most of the time it's afternoon for me.

That did happen once, yes, since she never screams and would try to fight back, fair chance the abductor knocked her out.

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Kagine Tundra Heslin Report | 01/19/2020 11:30 pm
Kagine Tundra Heslin
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Family's not fond of sushi so most of the time those fishes were fried. -rubs heels from standing too long-

Yes, slick. Slick and sly.

A number of times but hardly last a day. XD

-pats- At least you can still connect.

In NA she communicated with her family in a small talk [that never lasted 10 words] and the rest were actions. She's not even clingy to Maverick in the old RP, I think it was Maverick who was doing the first move at her since she tagged with him once for a mission. He ended up comforting her down when she went bloodlust over some pests.

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Just a word of warning to anyone using this profile to get to the people I care about: Don't. Just. Don't. You ******** with my family, you have to answer to me. If I tell you to ******** off, it means stop. Plain and simple. Any further from you counts as harassment and stalking. You've been warned.

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