Some PC Nerd

Some PC Nerd's avatar

Registered: 08/06/2010

Gender: Male

Location: Destiny Island

Birthday: 11/12/1995

Equipped List


May your heart be your guiding key




As of October of 2021, I'm officially stepping away from Gaia, as I honestly only use this on the rarest of occasion to see if any old friends have come back to the platform.

Back then I was here on a constant daily basis. I joined when I was around 10 or 11 (I'm 25, about to turn 26 as I'm typing this out), which is practically a BIG no-no on here, but I had been playing Runescape since an earlier age, so...yeah, wasn't that big of a deal for me.

This place introduced me to a lot of things like animes, cosplays (not my thing, but still really cool), RP (not my thing anymore, but still fun), forums, and many other things that I still come to love today.

I've made a lot of fond memories on this platform, along with a lot of great friends, but most of them have either moved on with their lives or have passed on, in which I'll always remember them for treating me well.

I won't be removing my account since I honestly would like to keep it here to pay homage to my time here, as well as the hope to see if any friends from my old circle will possibly come back.

If you are an old friend from this platform who would like to get ahold of me, you can find me on Instagram and Twitter under the handle A Name Indeed

Instagram would probably be the better choice since I hardly ever use Twitter

Farewell Gaians. Catch you on the flip side.


View All Comments

Akatoraxx Report | 02/25/2018 3:18 pm
thats funny...your where a little s**

how have you been man. lol
sorry i have been back on imvu again lol
IbukiHoshi Report | 01/14/2018 11:58 pm
Thanks for the items?
Any item quests in particular?
I may be able to help~

Akatoraxx Report | 12/11/2017 6:31 pm
you youngen. shut freaking 31...dont you talk about getting old!!! hahahahahaha
Akatoraxx Report | 12/02/2017 8:53 pm
it is pritty dead around here....even imvu is kinda dead....hahahaha.
Roadbog Report | 11/25/2017 11:15 pm
I need it to make paper.
To sell for weed.
To make more paper.
Roadbog Report | 11/25/2017 9:30 pm
hand it over.
I need it.
For stuff
Roadbog Report | 11/21/2017 8:14 am
send me weed
IbukiHoshi Report | 11/19/2017 4:02 pm
Perfect, down to the "I"s!
Akatoraxx Report | 11/19/2017 11:20 am
well i have been ok...
i just started to come one is on anymore.
IbukiHoshi Report | 11/15/2017 10:51 pm
Sankyuu, Billy Boo~

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