Sometime Around Midnight

Sometime Around Midnight's avatar

Gender: Female

Birthday: 09/02


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Born: 09/02 (Not the first signing up at 6 in the morning does nothing for proof reading skills)
Fav. color: Red
Fav. season (cause I know you all want to know!): Fall
Fav. food: Anything taco wise, or anything Italian
Love to: Read, hang with friends, computer stuffage, people watch (Teehee stalker-ish XD)
Hate to: Fight, put away dishes, be in the cold
I adore all of my friends to death! I just love them all. A lot of my friends are obsessed with Abyss, so I get wraped into that a lot, I don't mind though. I will except any and all friend requests, and i don't mind if you text me! I love talking to random people!
That's all for now...

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Miyako-BJ Report | 07/24/2009 6:02 pm
Boobsandpussylicker Report | 06/20/2009 9:23 pm
send this to 10 people to get 100,000 g then press f5 to get the gold
Boobsandpussylicker Report | 06/05/2009 11:04 am
Boobsandpussylicker Report | 06/05/2009 11:00 am
that sounds like a lotta fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Boobsandpussylicker Report | 06/05/2009 10:56 am
I know!!!!
Boobsandpussylicker Report | 06/05/2009 10:49 am
I am mega bored AHHHH
Boobsandpussylicker Report | 06/05/2009 10:44 am
that sucks,I would die!!!
Boobsandpussylicker Report | 06/04/2009 8:17 pm
how are you!!!!
mystearica abyss Report | 04/23/2009 5:55 pm
mystearica abyss
i'm so bored right now i might just blow up... but then again blowing up just might be fun. so maybe i'll try it... but then again, i'm right in front of the computer so you'd just have to say. POOR COMPUTER!!!! sure its a pc. and it sucks. but it doesnt deserve this cassi it just doesnt. maybe it does if it got a billion virus' and i just wanted it to dye!!! did i say dye? yes i did. because i want it to be died red. black really is a boring color for a computer. which is why my printer is silver. it brightens up the place. really it does. then again, my library is full of color full books so why am i complaining? well it's because i have to organize those books atleast once a year. once a year??? that's not that often, thats what your thinking right? funny thing it takes like a year to organize. which means i have to start over like everday making it a totally never ending job. that i sometimes get paid for. only if my mom loves me enough. and who would be crazy to love me. i mean seriously. i'm lazy and un organized ( which is weird cuz i clean houses and organize the books) and i have this habbit of not blinking when i close my eyes. or i have an eternal song stuck in my head i some times bob my head too... like right now i'm listening to pandora. its an awesome radio station. YAY NIGHTWISH!!! its one of the girl singers i can actually stand. cuz it sounds like she could be a guy. she's not whiny. and she has awesome boy back ground singers not to mention cellos. and guitars. you know. i should learn the cello, but i'm too lazy. see how that works? really. and yet i dont think it's weird to dip pizza crusts in cinnimmon icing. pretty good actually. it really brings out the sauces flavor. i really should be doing more productive things than being on the computer... like finish that health project that i totally forgot about that's due tommorrow. i susually do my homework in front of something anyway. like computer tv. i would be watching tales of the abyss on dvd right now... while doing my health homework, but the guy is a lazy butt like me and won't send it. i'm going to kill all life as we know it. yes i'm a nerd. but hey. ARENT WE ALL INSIDE!!!! now back to that health project. it's an essay about character. i've already done it in leadership. so all i have to do is change a little bit of it and turn it in... not too hard, but that means i have to make up a story about someone showing good character. nothing is coming to me yet but maybe if i keep raninting to you something might come up. really, i wouldnt be sending you this message if i couldnt time fast... BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!! it's really fun. sure computer tech was boring, but i really liked the typing part. it makes my fingers fell like they were flying. also holding down the shift key instead of pressing caps lock while typing a SENTENCE MAKES YOUR FINGER'S FEEL LIKE THEY ARE FLYING ACROSS THE KEYBOARD!!! YOU SHOULD TRY IT SOMETIME. ITS PRETTY FUN!!! THOUGH I DONT KNOW WHY SOMEONE WOULD WANT TO TALK IN ALL CAPS SO ILL JUst let go now... anywho... back to that health essay... hope i can find my past leadership essay on word processor.... should i keep typing? in other cases i would. but i really need to get that essay done.... yep ... any minute i'll stop typing. any minute... wait... ANY SECOND!!!!!
Hitler Was Srsly Emo Report | 03/28/2009 2:37 pm
Hitler Was Srsly Emo
So... I am no longer banned.



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