
Name, Skeith Saraku
Weapon: A long pole which can extend to great lengths And sends electronic waves, paralyzing enemies it hits.
Weapon's Call: "Oblivion...Hate...Desire...Cerberus Awaken!"
~~~~~~Details and bio~~~~~~~
Arrancar number: 33
Looks up to: Ulquiorra and Grimmjow.
Hates: Kurosaki Ichigo, Ishida Uryu, Chad, and Every Captain and Lieutenant in the Soul Society.
Age before Death: 17
Bio: Skeith lost everything at an early age and has a short temper. When he is not angry, he is very silent and does not speak much of others. Rarely does he he notice others around him. He has never experienced "love, Friendship, or kindness."
And overall keeps his mouth shut in matters not involving him.

~~~~~~~The Rest~~~~~~~
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Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Sasuka Fan Girl

Report | 03/27/2008 5:55 pm

Sasuka Fan Girl

hey instead of makeing a profile give me gold i need some :_:
Sasuka Fan Girl

Report | 03/27/2008 5:55 pm

Sasuka Fan Girl

hey instead of makeing a profile give me gold i need some :_:
Grimmjow Jeagerjaques

Report | 03/14/2008 3:29 pm

Grimmjow Jeagerjaques

Grimmjow Jeagerjaques

Report | 03/14/2008 6:13 am

Grimmjow Jeagerjaques

User Image
Grimmjow Jeagerjaques

Report | 03/13/2008 7:21 pm

Grimmjow Jeagerjaques

iMade newaccount

Report | 03/12/2008 5:14 pm

iMade newaccount

Oh em gee!!

a happeh b-day for meh


you shouldnt have


Report | 02/19/2008 4:06 pm


hii User Image!!

long time no talk to me

-feel rejected- ;__;
Sasuka Fan Girl

Report | 02/09/2008 11:32 am

Sasuka Fan Girl

Mrs Snails

Report | 01/06/2008 2:11 pm

Mrs Snails

not so bad!

Report | 01/06/2008 12:51 pm


extremely amusing profile! User Image